LWT3437 / LANet

Source Code for “LANet: A Luminance Attentive Network with Scale Invariance for HDR Image Reconstruction” (PG 2021)
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Extremely long inference time on provided test images #8

Open DaLizardWizard opened 6 months ago

DaLizardWizard commented 6 months ago

Hello! I am trying to revitalise this network as it seems very good at producing image based lighting from panoramas.

However even after building the environment correctly in a runpod environment using a GTX3090 and 126GB of RAM it all runs extremely slowly with very minimal utilisation of any GPU memory. Currently the test image provided in ./test/pano1.png always hangs on "processing" instead of being processed in a few seconds.

GPU utilisation also seems to be very low, at around ~5% even though I am using tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1 and I can confirm that CUDA is available

Do you have any tips for getting it to run inference fast or if there are any similar more up to date projects?