LWaetzig / StudentChatbot

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Student Chatbot

What is it

Chatbot to summarize uploaded pdf files.

Detailed report about the development process as well as some learnings can be found here.

Project Scope

Building a process that accepts user inputs as well as files, processes these files and search for user input. The following image describes the process schematically:


An intuitive and interactive user interface is created using streamlit.

Text Extraction

Semantic Chunking

In order to improve the way how the text is splitted, we implemented a different approach. This approach tries to identifies chunk points based on semantics. Further explanaition and code can be found here




  1. Clone Repository
  2. Create a virtual python environment -> Link
  3. Install required packages listed in requirements.txt
  4. The Application is build using streamlit. To run the app execute the following command in the projects directory streamlit run app.py
  5. The app will open in a new browser tab. If not follow the link displayed in your terminal