Laclaire / markdownsample

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Header 1

Header 2

Paragraph text here test.

puts "this is code"
if this then that

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Getting started with DreamFace for Bluemix

{: #gettingstarted} Last updated: 21 April 2016 {: .last-updated}

DreamFace is an open-source, cloud-native development platform for creating enterprise web and mobile applications.

DreamFace X-Platform, (DFX) or just DreamFace, is part of an emerging category of cloud-native, Rapid Application Development (RAD) Platforms. It is built to empower Fullstack developers to deliver consistently well-architected, Enterprise-grade, cloud-native, web and mobile applications with ease and speed. DreamFace simplifies the delivery of a new generation of cloud applications featuring uncompromising User Experiences and providing the right data on the right device by secure and code-less consumption of virtually any public or private API. {:shortdesc}

DreamFace was created to ease development of two difficult and time consuming tasks:

DreamFace empowers developers with a powerful development studio offering editors for creating Views, API Services, Scripts, Pages Templates, Menus and Styling to name a few. Developers focus their development on creating a compelling user experience leveraging team skills and creating reusable components that can be used to assemble different applications.

DreamFace is built on the MEAN Stack, MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angularjs and Nodejs.

DreamFace applications are: