Thank you for your interest in contributing to our projects. Before you create a new issue, please take a moment to read through these guidelines to ensure effective communication and streamline issue management.
This feature/issue tracker is designed to streamline feature request, bug reporting and issue management for the following projects:
When creating an issue, the title should be concise, descriptive, and specific, including the context of the project. A good issue title helps others understand the problem at a glance and helps with issue categorization. Here are some tips for writing an effective issue title:
Include Project Context: Start the title with the name of the project followed by a colon (:) to indicate which project the issue pertains to.
Be Specific: Clearly indicate the problem or feature you are addressing. Avoid vague titles that don't provide enough information.
Use Keywords: Include keywords that describe the issue, such as "bug," "enhancement," "feature request," etc.
Summarize the Feature/Issue: Keep the title short while still capturing the essence of the problem or request.
Example Titles:
In the issue description, provide detailed information about the problem or feature request. Be clear and concise in your explanation, and include the following details:
Steps to Reproduce (for bugs): If you are reporting a bug, include step-by-step instructions to reproduce the issue. This helps developers identify and fix the problem quickly.
Expected Behavior (for bugs): Describe what you expected to happen when encountering the issue.
Actual Behavior (for bugs): Explain what is currently happening, which indicates the problem.
Context (for bugs and feature requests): Provide any additional context that may help understand the issue better. This could include relevant environment details, affected versions, or any related information.
Proposed Solution (for feature requests): If you're suggesting a new feature, outline your proposed solution and its potential benefits.
To help categorize and prioritize issues, use labels and assignees as appropriate. Labels can include "bug," "enhancement," "feature request," "documentation," etc. Assign the issue to a specific person or team responsible for addressing it.
Attachments: Feel free to attach relevant files, screenshots, or other materials that can help illustrate the issue or proposed feature.
Discuss First: Before creating an issue, consider discussing the matter on our communication channels, such as Discord or Gitter, to get feedback from the community.
Remember, our community values respect and collaboration. When interacting with others in issue discussions, maintain a positive and constructive tone.
Thank you for following these guidelines! Your contributions and feedback are essential for the improvement and success of our projects.