LakeMaps / pi

Lake Maps' boat Raspberry Pi image build script
Open Software License 3.0
1 stars 0 forks source link

Lake Maps NL


This repository contains (one or more) custom Raspbian images.

Quick start

Flashing a custom Raspbian image onto an SD card is a two-step process:

  1. Build the image inside the VM
  2. Flash the image onto a SD card from the host machine
  3. Run sudo raspi-config --expand-rootfs on the Pi

Build the image


IMAGE_HOSTNAME=test1 # ???
vagrant ssh --command "cd /vagrant && IMAGE_HOSTNAME=$IMAGE_HOSTNAME IMAGE_BUILD_PASSWORD=$IMAGE_BUILD_PASSWORD sudo -E script/buildscript"

Flash the image

Flashing the SD card must be done from the host machine, and mostly follows from the instructions available on the Raspberry Pi Documentation. Use the disk image file found in the current working directory.


On OS X, you can run open Disk Utility to find the device name of your SD card reader, and execute the following in the terminal:

script/flash-osx "$image" "$device"

For the device name, Disk Utility will display it in the bottom-left corner when looking at your SD card reader:

Disk utility screenshot

For example, if (as in the image above) your device name is disk2, you would execute:

script/flash-osx "$image" disk2

Note: the above script spawns a root process (dd) to allow it to write to the device. You will need to enter your password when prompted.

Encrypting files

Some files used to build the image need to contain passwords or other secure notes—these files should be encrypted before being added to the repository. Use the following command to encrypt example.txt:

openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -a -salt -in example.txt -out example.txt.enc

By convention, the encrypted file name should be the original file name plus a ".enc" suffix.