LambdaInnovation / LambdaLib

Common library and utils behind LambdaInnovation mods
MIT License
13 stars 3 forks source link


Build Status

A modding library that aims at making modding fluent and enjoyable.

LambdaLib contains many functionalities that is really helpful to Minecraft modding but isn't provided by Minecraft or Forge. The utilities shipped with LambdaLib include:

LambdaLib is currently not yet stable and is only for internal usage only, but will reach a stable state perhaps soon.

Developement Setup

A java8 developement environment with scala compatibility is required. It is recommended to use gradlew idea or gradlew eclipse to generate a workspace.

Project structure:

Use in gradle

Add in your build.gradle:

repositories {

dependencies {
    compile "cn.lambdalib:LambdaLib:{your wanted version}:dev"

After then, build LambdaLib with the correct version using gradle install first, then build your project.


License: MIT