LambdaTest / wdio-lambdatest-service

WebdriverIO LambdaTest Service
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WebdriverIO LambdaTest Service

WDIO health check

A WebdriverIO service that manages tunnel and job metadata for LambdaTest users.


npm i wdio-lambdatest-service --save-dev

Instructions on how to install WebdriverIO can be found here.


WebdriverIO has LambdaTest support out of the box. You should simply set user and key in your wdio.conf.js file. To enable the feature for app automation, set product: 'appAutomation' in your wdio.conf.js file. This service plugin provides supports for LambdaTest Tunnel. Set tunnel: true also to activate this feature.

// wdio.conf.js
exports.config = {
    // ...
    user: process.env.LT_USERNAME,
    key: process.env.LT_ACCESS_KEY,
    logFile : './logDir/api.log',
    product : 'appAutomation',
    services: [
        ['lambdatest', {
            tunnel: true
    // ...

To get test error remarks on automation dashboard

To get test error remarks on automation dashboard, simply add ltErrorRemark: true in your wdio.conf.js.

To upload app from local or url

Upload android or ios apps from local or hosted app url by adding this required configuration in your wdio.conf.js. To use the uploaded app for testing along in the same run set enableCapability = true , this will set the app url value in the capabilities.

// wdio.conf.js
services: [
        tunnel: true,
        app_upload: true, 
            app_name : "xyz", //provide your desired app name
            app_path : "/path/to/your/app/file", //provide the local app location
            // or
            app_url : "https://example.test_android.apk", //provide the url where your app is horsted or stored
            custom_id : "12345", //provide your desired custom id
            enableCapability : true


In order to authorize to the LambdaTest service your config needs to contain a user and key option.


Set this to true to enable routing connections from LambdaTest cloud through your computer. You will also need to set tunnel to true in browser capabilities.

Type: Boolean
Default: false


Specified optional will be passed down to LambdaTest Tunnel. See this list for details.

Type: Object
Default: {}


Cucumber only. Set the session name to the Scenario name if only a single Scenario ran. Useful when running in parallel with wdio-cucumber-parallel-execution.

Type: Boolean
Default: false


Customize the session name format.

Type: Function
Default (Cucumber/Jasmine): (config, capabilities, suiteTitle) => suiteTitle
Default (Mocha): (config, capabilities, suiteTitle, testTitle) => suiteTitle + ' - ' + testTitle


Mocha only. Do not append the test title to the session name.

Type: Boolean
Default: false


Mocha only. Prepend the top level suite title to the session name.

Type: Boolean
Default: false


Automatically set the session name.

Type: Boolean
Default: true


Automatically set the session status (passed/failed).

Type: Boolean
Default: true


To get test names as scenario names for cucumber specific tests, simply add useScenarioName: true in your wdio.conf.js.

Steps to compile and publish

  1. git clone this repository.
  2. run "npm install"
  3. run "npm run build"
  4. Steps to Publish: run "npm login"
  5. run "npm publish --access public"

For more information on WebdriverIO see the homepage.