Laransec / AIHydra

Exploit Writeup and POC for AI Hydra 26 (and probably 52) series lights
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Exploit Writeup and POC for AI Hydra 26 (and probably 52) series lights

Usage: Flag Usage
-t targetIP
-p Password to Set if the no password login attempt bounces
-c Command to run on the lights.
-h Help


Current Version: 2.5.1 API endpoints are at /api.

API Endpoints

Scanned /api with the default dirbuster directory-list-2.3-small.txt and found endpoints

API Enumeration

I investigated /api/command and guessed the JSON format of {"command" : "commandhere"} which allows for command execution as root.

Command Execution Cat /etc/ shadow returns

Shadow File

Cracking root password hash with John The Ripper and the rockyou.txt wordlist returned 3l3v3n (root)


The Dropbear SSH client was available. I started it though the command API

SSH as Root

Setting a password on the web interface does enforce a login cookie requirement before accessing the API endpoint. As with many IOT devices this doesn’t matter because they rolled their own weird webserver into the binary that runs everything. An unauthenticated POST request to /setpassword works to set a new password. Responds with a valid cookie. You can use this cookie to go back and run commands as root.

Auth Bypass