LaravelDaily / laravel-invoices

Laravel package to generate PDF invoices from various customizable parameters
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Laravel Invoices

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version 2 version 1

This Laravel package provides an easy to use interface to generate Invoice PDF files with your provided data.

Invoice file can be stored, downloaded, streamed on any of the filesystems you have configured. Supports different templates and locales.



Via Composer

$ composer require laraveldaily/laravel-invoices:^4.0

Older versions

After installing Laravel Invoices, publish its assets, views, translations and config using the invoices:install Artisan command:

$ php artisan invoices:install


Since it is evolving fast you might want to have latest template after update using Artisan command:

$ php artisan invoices:update

It will give a warning if you really want to override default resources

Or alternatively it can be done separately.

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=invoices.views --force
$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=invoices.translations --force

Basic Usage


use LaravelDaily\Invoices\Invoice;
use LaravelDaily\Invoices\Classes\Buyer;
use LaravelDaily\Invoices\Classes\InvoiceItem;

// ...

$customer = new Buyer([
    'name'          => 'John Doe',
    'custom_fields' => [
        'email' => '',

$item = InvoiceItem::make('Service 1')->pricePerUnit(2);

$invoice = Invoice::make()

return $invoice->stream();

See result Invoice_AA_00001.pdf.

Advanced Usage

use LaravelDaily\Invoices\Invoice;
use LaravelDaily\Invoices\Classes\Party;
use LaravelDaily\Invoices\Classes\InvoiceItem;

// ...

$client = new Party([
    'name'          => 'Roosevelt Lloyd',
    'phone'         => '(520) 318-9486',
    'custom_fields' => [
        'note'        => 'IDDQD',
        'business id' => '365#GG',

$customer = new Party([
    'name'          => 'Ashley Medina',
    'address'       => 'The Green Street 12',
    'code'          => '#22663214',
    'custom_fields' => [
        'order number' => '> 654321 <',

$items = [
    InvoiceItem::make('Service 1')
        ->description('Your product or service description')
    InvoiceItem::make('Service 2')->pricePerUnit(71.96)->quantity(2),
    InvoiceItem::make('Service 3')->pricePerUnit(4.56),
    InvoiceItem::make('Service 4')->pricePerUnit(87.51)->quantity(7)->discount(4)->units('kg'),
    InvoiceItem::make('Service 5')->pricePerUnit(71.09)->quantity(7)->discountByPercent(9),
    InvoiceItem::make('Service 6')->pricePerUnit(76.32)->quantity(9),
    InvoiceItem::make('Service 7')->pricePerUnit(58.18)->quantity(3)->discount(3),
    InvoiceItem::make('Service 8')->pricePerUnit(42.99)->quantity(4)->discountByPercent(3),
    InvoiceItem::make('Service 9')->pricePerUnit(33.24)->quantity(6)->units('m2'),
    InvoiceItem::make('Service 11')->pricePerUnit(97.45)->quantity(2),
    InvoiceItem::make('Service 12')->pricePerUnit(92.82),
    InvoiceItem::make('Service 13')->pricePerUnit(12.98),
    InvoiceItem::make('Service 14')->pricePerUnit(160)->units('hours'),
    InvoiceItem::make('Service 15')->pricePerUnit(62.21)->discountByPercent(5),
    InvoiceItem::make('Service 16')->pricePerUnit(2.80),
    InvoiceItem::make('Service 17')->pricePerUnit(56.21),
    InvoiceItem::make('Service 18')->pricePerUnit(66.81)->discountByPercent(8),
    InvoiceItem::make('Service 19')->pricePerUnit(76.37),
    InvoiceItem::make('Service 20')->pricePerUnit(55.80),

$notes = [
    'your multiline',
    'additional notes',
    'in regards of delivery or something else',
$notes = implode("<br>", $notes);

$invoice = Invoice::make('receipt')
    // ability to include translated invoice status
    // in case it was paid
    ->filename($client->name . ' ' . $customer->name)
    // You can additionally save generated invoice to configured disk

$link = $invoice->url();
// Then send email to party with link

// And return invoice itself to browser or have a different view
return $invoice->stream();

See result Roosevelt Lloyd Ashley Medina.pdf.

Alternatives using facade

Optionally you can use a facade to make new party or item

use Invoice;

$customer = Invoice::makeParty([
    'name' => 'John Doe',

$item = Invoice::makeItem('Your service or product title')->pricePerUnit(9.99);

return Invoice::make()->buyer($customer)->addItem($item)->stream();


After publishing assets you can modify or make your own template for invoices.

Templates are stored in the resources/views/vendor/invoices/templates directory. There you will find default.blade.php template which is used by default.

You can specify which template to use by calling template method on Invoice object.

For example if you have resources/views/vendor/invoices/templates/my_company.blade.php it should look like this:


Too see how things work in a template you can view default.blade.php as an example.


return [
    'date' => [
         * Carbon date format
        'format'         => 'Y-m-d',
         * Due date for payment since invoice's date.
        'pay_until_days' => 7,

    'serial_number' => [
        'series'           => 'AA',
        'sequence'         => 1,
         * Sequence will be padded accordingly, for ex. 00001
        'sequence_padding' => 5,
        'delimiter'        => '.',
         * Supported tags {SERIES}, {DELIMITER}, {SEQUENCE}
         * Example: AA.00001
        'format'           => '{SERIES}{DELIMITER}{SEQUENCE}',

    'currency' => [
        'code'                => 'eur',
         * Usually cents
         * Used when spelling out the amount and if your currency has decimals.
         * Example: Amount in words: Eight hundred fifty thousand sixty-eight EUR and fifteen ct.
        'fraction'            => 'ct.',
        'symbol'              => '€',
         * Example: 19.00
        'decimals'            => 2,
         * Example: 1.99
        'decimal_point'       => '.',
         * By default empty.
         * Example: 1,999.00
        'thousands_separator' => '',
         * Supported tags {VALUE}, {SYMBOL}, {CODE}
         * Example: 1.99 €
        'format'              => '{VALUE} {SYMBOL}',

    'paper' => [
        // A4 = 210 mm x 297 mm = 595 pt x 842 pt
        'size'        => 'a4',
        'orientation' => 'portrait',

    'disk' => 'local',

    'seller' => [
         * Class used in templates via $invoice->seller
         * Must implement LaravelDaily\Invoices\Contracts\PartyContract
         *      or extend LaravelDaily\Invoices\Classes\Party
        'class' => \LaravelDaily\Invoices\Classes\Seller::class,

         * Default attributes for Seller::class
        'attributes' => [
            'name'          => 'Towne, Smith and Ebert',
            'address'       => '89982 Pfeffer Falls Damianstad, CO 66972-8160',
            'code'          => '41-1985581',
            'vat'           => '123456789',
            'phone'         => '760-355-3930',
            'custom_fields' => [
                 * Custom attributes for Seller::class
                 * Used to display additional info on Seller section in invoice
                 * attribute => value
                'SWIFT' => 'BANK101',

Available Methods

Almost every configuration value can be overrided dynamically by methods.



Serial number






$ composer test


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



GPL-3.0-only. Please see the license file for more information.