Paper: CVPR2018, Learning Rich Features for Image Manipulation Detection
Code based on Faster-RCNN
This is a rough implementation of the paper. Since I do not have a titan gpu, I made some modifications on the algorithm, but you can easily change them back if you want the exact setting from the paper.
Python 3.6 TensorFlow 1.8.0
and overwrite the trainable setting of noise stream after SRM
conv layerRGB stream
alone predicts bbox more accurately, so you may wanna change that as well (also defined in
to create training set from PASCAL VOC
pascal voc
style, which is also required by
file will be save at /default
The code requires a large memory GPU. If you do not have a 6G+ GPU, please reduce the number of noise stream conv layers for training.
Dataset size: 10000, epoch: 3
I will update this repo a few weeks later after I installed the new GPU