Lars-Kool / MM_IDS_Peak

Micro-Manager Device Adapter for IDS Peak cameras
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Micro-Manager Device Adapter for IDS Peak cameras

This repository only exists to keep the forum link alive. This project is transferred to

Micro-Manager is an application to control microscope hardware, such as cameras. It includes a hardware abstraction layer written in C++ and a user interface written in Java. Micro-Manager needs a translation layer between the driver (written by the manufacturer) and Micro-Manager's C++ backend. This translation layer is called a "Device Adapter" (Micro-Manager has chosen not to call it a "Driver" to distinguish it from the libraries provided by the manufacturers of the devices).

This GitHub repository contains a Device Adapter for IDS cameras. It contains both the already built .dll (mmgr_dal_IDSPeak.dll) and the C++/h files to build it yourself. Instructions can be found below. The Device Adapter was tested with an IDS USB3-3040CP-HQ Rev 2.2 on Windows 10, and not with any other camera or operating system. Although camera model should not matter, there might be assumed default settings that might not be universally present. A different operating system could be more problematic.

Using the precompiled .dll

The following steps will guide you through the process of "installing" the .dll, allowing you to use IDS cameras with Micro-Manager.

  1. Clone/download this repository.
  2. Download and install "IDS Peak" from the IDS website
  3. Copy the "mmgr_dal_IDSPeak.dll" into the root folder of Micro-Manager (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Micro-Manager-2.0")
  4. Copy all .dll and .lib files from the IDS Peak software into the root folder of Micro-Manager. The .dll and .lib files can be found in ".\PATH_TO_INSTALL\IDS\ids_peak\comfort_sdk\api\lib\x86_64" (.\PATH_TO_INSTALL is the folder you installed IDS Peak, e.g. "C:\Program Files").
  5. Start Micro-Manager and either walk through the Hardware configuration wizard, or load the .cfg file included in this repository. Make sure the camera is plugged into a USB3 port before launching Micro-Manager.

Building the device adapter yourself

More advanced users could build the device adapter themselves, allowing them to tailor the device adapter to their needs. If you just plan to use the default device adapter, there is no benefit to building it yourself. Below you will find a brief walkthrough on building the device adapter.

  1. First, follow the Micro-Manager guide on building Micro-Manager ( and on setting up a Visual Studio environment to building device adapters (
  2. In Visual Studio, right-click the project you created in step 1 and choose Properties. Under Configuration Properties > C/C++ > General add the following folder to the Additional Include Directories: ".\ids_peak\comfort_sdk\api\include". You can exit the Properties interface now.
  3. Right-click the Project again, and click Add > Existing Item. Browse to ".\ids_peak\comfort_sdk\api\lib\x86_64" and add "ids_peak_comfort_c.lib".
  4. Right-click the Header Files tab under your project, and click Add > Existing Item, add the "IDSPeak.h" file.
  5. Right-click the Source Files tab under your project, and click Add > Existing Item, add the "IDSPeak.cpp" file.
  6. Right-click the Project, and click Build. The .dll will now be build, and should finish without any warnings/errors.
  7. The .dll file can now be found in ".\micro-manager\mmCoreAndDevices\build\Debug\x64".
  8. Now you have compiled the .dll, follow the steps under "Using the precompiled .dll" to enable Micro-Manager to communicate with IDS cameras.
  9. If you want to use the .dll on a PC other than the one used to build the .dll, it is best to set the Solution Configuration to "Release" (that way the other PC doesn't require an install of Microsoft Visual Studio 2019). The .dll can than be found in ".\micro-manager\mmCoreAndDevices\build\Release\x64".


Known limitations

Future features

Note that these are just ideas, no promises are made that these will be implemented in a timely manner (or at all). Other suggestions are more than welcome, either create a github issue or send an email to


This Device Adapter was developed by Lars Kool at Institut Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (Paris, France).