LarsHajdronKolajder / D0020E

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Demand-Supply Matching (DSM) service

This is part of a project course in Computer Science for students in their third year at Luleå tekniska universitet.

The project

The project revolves around a already developed Demand-Supply Matching service. Our contribution is the decentralized and RBAC part, using IPFS.

Group members

Ludvig Järvi
Anton Follinger
Daniel Hammar
Martin Höglund

WARNING: Documentation may be outdated from parent repo

Builds a container containing Digiprime and Negotiation Engine.

It also starts a MongoDB server that both applications use. Authentication is handled by Keycloak which is started as well.

An automated build of the container exists on Docker Hub. To use this replace digiprime with norlen/digiprime:latest in the commands below.


Get the source, the submodules must be cloned as well for the build to be valid.

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd digiprime-container
docker build . -t digiprime     # Build container

Development build

Instructions to start a development build exist here, currently production builds are not supported. To use the pre-built image replace digiprime with norlen/digiprime:latest. If the image has been pulled before run docker image rm norlen/digiprime:latest to clear it.

The most basic way to run is

docker run -p 3000:3000 \
  --env MAPBOX_TOKEN=<your token> \

Runs Digiprime which is avaiable at http://localhost:3000.

To instead run a more complete build with image uploading support, data persistance, and a custom keycloak admin user run

docker run -p 3000:3000 \
  --env MAPBOX_TOKEN=<your token> \
  --env CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME=<your info> \
  --env CLOUDINARY_KEY=<your info> \
  --env CLOUDINARY_SECRET=<your info> \
  --env APIKEY=<project_api_key> \
  --env LEDGER_URL=<your MongoDB url> \
  -p 105:105 \
  -p 107:107 \
  -v mongodb_data:/data/db \

Get in contact with me to get the keys to run a proper version.

This starts the Digiprime server on http://localhost:3000.

Environment variables

Required environment variables:

Configurable values:

For completeness, the other environent variables are shown here but they should not be changed.

Persisting data

To keep data between runs docker volumes should be used.

To persist MongoDB mount /data/db which is where Mongo stores the data.


Our RBAC system is built on top of an existing RBAC system, which couldn't be modified. This led to the development of our system, featuring a simplified visual frontend. While the frontend was simple, the backend was especially developt to seamlessly integrate with the pre-existing RBAC system, ensuring that the vital controls and checks will work.


User login credentials will be securely stored in MongoDB. Initially, certain information will only be modifiable through direct database access, such as role and seller.


Setting up your own MongoDB cloud server is required for the Ledger to work fully.

Example MongoDB structure

The required MongoDB structure is:

Database information for RBAC:



Guidelines for Utilizing the Login System

Login and Signup

When the user access the new offer page they will have to fill out the BatteryID, when this is done and the user press Hämta API (fetch API) they will be promted with the login system. Where inputs are seperated with :






To enable users to create an offer, they must log into an account with the necessary selling rights. Additionally, users must provide the site with a BatteryID that they own. If the BatteryID does not exist in the database, it will be created and linked to the logged-in user's account.

Overall installation

1. Installation Dependencies

  1. Docker needs to be installed, either Docker Desktop or Docker Engine
  2. You will also need npm for this project to work npm
  3. The project used MongoDB (especially Atlas) to manage the data in the cloud, you can download and get started with atlas here to get your connection string ready for usage (Used within ./Ledger/ aswell as ./Decentralized/

2. Docker setup (Different networks)

  1. Create a new docker network with command docket network create my-network, this my-network will be the network that you will join together the Digiprime container, Kubo container and Rest API.
  2. When setting up either the Digiprime container, Kubo container or Rest API you will need to include within the run command --network my_network to have them accessable within all three docker containers

3. Docker setup (Kubo)

  1. Make sure Docker is installed & running docker --version in CLI
  2. Inside ../Decentralized/IPFS its two folders ipfs_staging and ipfs_data that are created, if not create them.
  3. Pull the image, run in terminal docker pull ipfs/kubo
  4. Run the docker-container with docker run -d --name ipfs_host --network my_network \ -v ~/dev/github/D0020E/Decentralized/IPFS/ipfs_staging:/export \ -v ~/dev/github/D0020E/Decentralized/IPFS/ipfs_data:/data/ipfs \ -p 4001:4001 -p 4001:4001/udp -p -p \ ipfs/kubo:latest and replace the paths with your actual paths to the ipfs_staging and ipfs_data
  5. Check the container logs, either with docker logs -f ipfs_host or inside Docker Desktop, should look like the image Alt text
  6. Access the WebUI at or and confirm that its connected to IPFS Alt text
  7. If you are having connection issues, make sure that the your firewall have opened/allowed ports 4001 and 8080 (IPFS Gateway) or the specific ports your entered in the docker run command
  8. You could also need to open port 4001 inside your router (Both ways, i.e UDP/TCP)
  9. Check peer connections with either visiting http://localhost:3000/getPeers if the Express API is running otherwise navigate to peers inside the webui Alt text

More info can be found at either or

4. Running the Express API

  1. Just run npm install inside Decentralized folder to get everthing and start with npm start to make nodemon running.
  2. Check connectivity with Postman/curl/thunderclient to API by calling http://ip_addr:port/getPeers (this will also check Kubos connectivity to other peers within the IPFS network)

5. Env files to run the project

  1. Your own MongoDB atlas connection string you can locate here through MongoDBs own guide
  2. Digiprime needs other env to be run, you can contact who? to give you the credentials

6. Example docker run commands

  1. docker run -p 3009:3009 -d --name ipfs_api --network testing ipfs_api for Express Rest API
  2. docker run -d --name ipfs_host --network testing -v ~/dev/github/D0020E/Decentralized/IPFS/ipfs_staging:/export -v ~/dev/github/D0020E/Decentralized/IPFS/ipfs_data:/data/ipfs -p 4001:4001 -p 4001:4001/udp -p -p ipfs/kubo:latest for Kubo RPC image

7. Other setup changes you need to address

  1. Docker IP changes, since you will be allocated an IP addr when starting your container, it could be different than correctly configurated ./Digiprime/app.js under "connectSrcUrls", you will need to get these docker ip addresses to be set appropratley otherwise it won't connect due to Helmet CSP.
  2. Command for finding your docker ip is either docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' <container_name_or_id> or you can see whats connected to the network by running docker network inspect my_network to see information regarding the containers currently connected to your docker network.
  3. When you have your Docker IP, I have now added a file called "config.js" in the root directory inside Digiprime/config.js here you can change the IPFS_URL to match the IP you get and it gets updated everywhere.
  4. Running docker logs -f ipfs_api or what you called your ipfs_api (Rest API that communicated with IPFS Kubo) to get the link to the http for the specific CID you just uploaded.


    Inside Digiprime/public/javascript/apiButton.js and Digiprime/public/javascript/ownerChange.js you need to MANUALLY change the const for the URLs if they are changed otherwise webpack needs to be installed & configurated (since its client-side code).


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at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.