An addon for Blender that allows you to export dae/gr2 files for the game Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition.
. Make sure this is the folder with the scripts under it (io_scene_dos2de\
folder into your addons folder. Default pathway:
%APPDATA%\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\scripts\addons
inside your scripts/addons folder.
mklink /j "C:\Path1\io_scene_dos2de" "C:\Path2\scripts\addons\io_scene_dos2de"
Rename | Description |
Path1 | This should be the path where you cloned the repo. We want to junction the io_scene_dos2de folder inside that contains all the py scripts. |
Path2 | This is where your scripts/addons folder for Blender is. Either the AppData folder, or the custom scripts folder you set. We want to junction the io_scene_dos2de folder with the py scripts to this folder. |
, Blender won't load the scripts or recognize the addon.This is the pathway to divine.exe, bundled with Norbyte's Export Tool. If set, the addon can export to the GR2 format, using divine.
If checked, "Convert to GR2" will automatically be checked when exporting. Requires divine.exe's path to be set.
If set, the addon will default to the selected preset when opening it up for the first time.
Project pathways can be configured for quicker exporting.
The "root" folder your blend files will be under. This is a parent folder the addon will compare your blend file's pathway against.
When the above folder is found in the blend's pathway, this folder will be the default root when exporting.
If checked and a project folder is detected, the current preset will automatically determine the subfolder. For instance, if you have a project folder set, and an export folder set to Public/Modname_UUID/Assets, then selecting the "Model" preset defaults the exported file to "Assets/Model".
This is a heavily modified version of Godot Engine's "Better" Collada Exporter for Blender, located here:
Special thanks to Norbyte for developing and maintaining, which is the sole reason we can even convert models to DOS2's format in the first place.