LaughingSun / ares

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The Ares Project

By Jorrit Tyberghein Jorrit Tyberghein

XXX WARNING: This is a sample README file it seems that the author of the XXX project has not yet modified it. You will only find generic XXX information here.


  1. Introduction
  2. Building and Installing
  3. Usage
  4. Contact

1. Introduction

XXX Fill in some text
  1. Building and installing

You can build the project on Unix, Msys/Mingw, and Cygwin using the Jam build tool. Microsoft Visual-C++ users can build the project using the project files in the ares/msvc directory.

2.1 Jam

The build system is based upon Jam rather than 'make'. If you do not yet have jam installed, then check your distribution for a Jam package or download the source and compile/install Jam yourself. You can find the source here:

You will need at least version 2.4.

2.1.1 Building

  1. Go to the top-level directory in the project tree.
  2. Run "./configure", possibly with some options, if you wish. You can see a list of available options by invoking configure with the "--help" option.
  3. Run "jam".

2.1.2 Installing

  1. Build the project.
  2. Ensure that you have write permissions to the install directories. On Unix (GNU/Linux, MacOS/X, Darwin, BSD) this usually means that you need to be the 'root' user.
  3. Run "jam install".

2.2 Microsoft Visual-C++

  1. Open the workspace file ares/msvc/wksares.
  2. Set "grpall_ares" as the active project.
  3. Choose "Release" or "Debug" build mode.
  4. Build the project.

3. Usage
  1. Contact

Bug-Reports, suggestions, requests, and greeting cards should be send to