The code is released under the GNU General Public License.
This is a Sanguino third-party hardware add-on for the Arduino IDE.
To use this add-on simply add the following url: to the Arduino boards manager. Please see the following page for more information:
Advanced users can install the hardware add-on manually by creating a folder named "hardware" inside your sketchbook directory. Now move the Sanguino directory inside that folder. The structure would look like this:
It is also possible to use this add-on with PlatformIO. For instace you can use the Sanguino ATmega644 or ATmega644A running at 16 MHz by creating the following entry in your platformio.ini file:
platform = atmelavr
framework = arduino
board = sanguino_atmega644p
This will also allow you to specify the upload speed by adding the following entry:
upload_speed = 57600
This is needed if you have not burned the Optiboot bootloader.
The list of boards can be found here:
Since the ATmega1284 is not supported by Avrdude. You will have to burn the bootloader manually from the command line. See this file for help:
Also check out the following site for more information:
For more information see the following site: or send me an email at