LaySoft / ecc_phgp

Simple elliptic curve cryptography in PHP
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ecc ph(g)p

Elliptic curve cryptography in PHP, similar to PGP

A simple elliptic curve public key cryptography implementation in PHP, using NIST's recommended curve P-521.


PHP 5.1.2+ (cli), or earlier with Hash extension

GMP extension

Mcrypt extension


g Generate keypair
Generates new security and public keys, saving them into two separate files: sec.key and pub.key. Old keyfiles will be overwritten!

e  <pubkey>  <infile>  <destfile> Encrypt
Encode <infile> with <pubkey>, and save the encoded data to <destfile>. The encoded crypt key saved to <destfile>.key

d  <seckey>  <infile>  <destfile> Decrypt
Decode <infile> with <seckey> and <infile>.key, then save the decoded data to <destfile>

s  <seckey>  <file> Sign
Sign <file> with <seckey> and save the signature to <file>.sig

v  <pubkey>  <file> Verify signature
Verify the signature in <file>.sig on <file> with <pubkey> and print the result

Technical info

Encrypt and decrypt uses the AES256 (Rijndael-256) block cipher algorithm. The encrypt process picks a random point on the curve; this point's X coordinate SHA256 hash will be the 256 bit key, and Y coodinate's SHA256 hash will be the 256 bit IV for the AES256 block cipher. The <infile> encoded with these key and IV parameters, and saved to <destfile>. The X and Y coordinates are encoded and decoded with EC-ElGamal algorithm. The result are four numbers, but we only save the two X coordinates to <destfile>.key file, because the Y coordinate can be easily calculates from X coordinate.

Sign file and verify uses the ECDSA algorithm, and the hash function is SHA512. Signing results are two numbers that will be saved to <file>.sig file. Verification checks the signature in this .sig file for <file>, and prints if the signature matches or not.

Why elliptic curve cryptography is "better" than RSA?

Symmetric Key Size (bits) RSA and Diffie-Hellman Key Size (bits) Elliptic Curve Key Size (bits)
80 1024 160
112 2048 224
128 3072 256
192 7680 384
256 15360 521
NIST Recommended Key Sizes