LazoCoder / Pokemon-Terminal

Pokemon terminal themes.
GNU General Public License v3.0
4.2k stars 225 forks source link
bash iterm2 linux pikachu pokemon pokemon-terminal style terminal terminology theme tilix

# Pokemon-Terminal

Build Status



Install Python 3.7 or higher:

Get a compatible terminal emulator:

You can then proceed with one of the following methods for installation:


Linux users: Your distro might include pip in a different package than Python, make sure to have that installed.

Run pip3 install git+

If you want a system-wide install, run the command as superuser or administrator.

If you want a per-user install, append the --user flag.

You might want to add the following directories to your PATH on a per-user install, to be able to call pokemon and ichooseyou everywhere:

When the command completes, it's installed and ready to go!


Obviously requires to have Node.js installed.

You can install in any (npm-supported) OS using npm install --global pokemon-terminal. That's it, you're done!

Make sure you also have Python installed, npm won't automagically do that for you.


This doesn't works on Microsoft Store installations of Python.

You can clone or download this repo, and run python3 install at the root of the repo.

If you want a system-wide install, run the command as superuser or administrator.

If you want a per-user install, append the --user flag. Look at the pip directives to add a per-user install to your PATH.


usage: pokemon [-h] [-n NAME]
               [-r [{kanto,johto,hoenn,sinnoh,unova,kalos} [{kanto,johto,hoenn,sinnoh,unova,kalos} ...]]]
               [-l [0.xx]] [-d [0.xx]]
               [-t [{normal,fire,fighting,water,flying,grass,poison,electric,ground,psychic,rock,ice,bug,dragon,ghost,dark,steel,fairy} [{normal,fire,fighting,water,flying,grass,poison,electric,ground,psychic,rock,ice,bug,dragon,ghost,dark,steel,fairy} ...]]]
               [-ne] [-e] [-ss [X]] [-w] [-v] [-dr] [-c]

Set a pokemon to the current terminal background or wallpaper

positional arguments:
  id                    Specify the wanted pokemon ID or the exact (case
                        insensitive) name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --clear           Clears the current pokemon from terminal background
                        and quits.

  Arguments used to filter the list of pokemons with various conditions that
  then will be picked

  -n NAME, --name NAME  Filter by pokemon which name contains NAME
  -r [{kanto,johto,hoenn,sinnoh,unova,kalos} [{kanto,johto,hoenn,sinnoh,unova,kalos} ...]], --region [{kanto,johto,hoenn,sinnoh,unova,kalos} [{kanto,johto,hoenn,sinnoh,unova,kalos} ...]]
                        Filter the pokemons by region
  -l [0.xx], --light [0.xx]
                        Filter out the pokemons darker (lightness threshold
                        lower) then 0.xx (default is 0.7)
  -d [0.xx], --dark [0.xx]
                        Filter out the pokemons lighter (lightness threshold
                        higher) then 0.xx (default is 0.42)
  -t [{normal,fire,fighting,water,flying,grass,poison,electric,ground,psychic,rock,ice,bug,dragon,ghost,dark,steel,fairy} [{normal,fire,fighting,water,flying,grass,poison,electric,ground,psychic,rock,ice,bug,dragon,ghost,dark,steel,fairy} ...]], --type [{normal,fire,fighting,water,flying,grass,poison,electric,ground,psychic,rock,ice,bug,dragon,ghost,dark,steel,fairy} [{normal,fire,fighting,water,flying,grass,poison,electric,ground,psychic,rock,ice,bug,dragon,ghost,dark,steel,fairy} ...]]
                        Filter the pokemons by type.
  -ne, --no-extras      Excludes extra pokemons (from the extras folder)
  -e, --extras          Excludes all non-extra pokemons

  -ss [X], --slideshow [X]
                        Instead of simply choosing a random pokemon from the
                        filtered list, starts a slideshow (with X minutes of
                        delay between pokemon) in the background with the
                        pokemon that matched the filters
  -w, --wallpaper       Changes the desktop wallpaper instead of the terminal
  -v, --verbose         Enables verbose output
  -dr, --dry-run        Implies -v and doesn't actually changes either
                        wallpaper or background after the pokemon has been

Not setting any filters will get a completely random pokemon


Tips, tricks and common issues

iTerm2 settings

I highly suggest making the font colors black and the terminal window transparent. Some of the images have both light and dark colours and so it can be difficult to see the text sometimes. Transparency resolves this issue. Since Pokemon-Terminal only changes the background, the transparency must be done manually:

  1. Navigate to iTerm2 > Preferences > Profiles > Window
  2. Set the transparency to about half way.
  3. Hit the "blur" checkbox.
  4. Set the blur to maximum.
  5. Optionally you can set the blending to maximum to adjust the colors to look like the samples provided.

The result should look like this:

ConEmu settings

  1. From the menu under the symbol at left of title bar, navigate to Settings > Main > Background
  2. Set Darkening to maximum (255).
  3. Set Placement to Stretch.
  4. Click Save Settings.
  5. Optionally you apply transparency under Features > Transparency.

Windows Terminal settings

You can, like in iTerm2, enable transparency. Simply press the down arrow in the tab bar and click settings. Once the JSON file opens, add the following settings under the defaults section:

"backgroundImageOpacity": 0.5,
"useAcrylic": true,
"acrylicOpacity": 0.0

The result should look like this:

Kitty settings

To dynamically set background images in kitty, we use its remote control feature. It is not enabled by default, and can be configured to be password protected.

The way passwords work for kitty remote control is that you set one or more passwords, each granting some amount of permissions (see the docs for details).

Here's an example of how to set it up in ./config/kitty/kitty.conf:

# Enable remote control (password protected)
allow_remote_control password

# Option 1: Allow setting the background image with a password
remote_control_password "missingno" set-background-image

# Option 2: Allow setting the background image without a password
# (slightly less secure, a malicious actor could mess up your backgrounds)
remote_control_password "" set-background-image

If you choose option 1 (recommended), you still need to pass your chosen password when running pokemon, this works using the environment variable KITTY_RC_PASSWORD - i.e. you can run KITTY_RC_PASSWORD=missingno pokemon, or set the variable in any other way using your method of choice.

Adding Custom Images

The folder pokemonterminal/Images/Extra is for adding custom images. You can manually add backgrounds to this folder and they will be visible to the program. Only JPG format is supported. To see a list of all the custom backgrounds type:

$ pokemon -e -dr

Alternatively, you can delete images from this folder and it will not break the program. These are some custom backgrounds:

Solutions for Common Issues



To save a background you will need to setup a startup command in the profile:

  1. Navigate to iTerm2 > Preferences > General
  2. Locate the field where it says Send text at start under Command.
  3. In that field type pokemon -n [pokemon name]. You can see an example in the image down below.
    • Alternatively you can also type pokemon for a random theme each time you open up a new terminal.
  4. You can leave out ; clear if you don't care about the line showing up at the top of the terminal.


After setting your desired pokemon, from the menu under the symbol at left of title bar, navigate to Settings > Main > Background and click Save Settings.


Terminology already saves it automatically, just untick "temporary" in the settings after setting your desired Pokemon:

To show a random Pokemon each session:

  1. Open ~/.bashrc in your favorite text editor.
  2. Add the following lines to it:
    if [[ "$TERMINOLOGY" -eq "1" ]]; then

    That will simply pick a completely random Pokemon each session, but the pokemon line is simply calling the app, so you can still filter with regions, darkness, and etc. like you normally would, or you can also reset to a preset Pokemon every time you start.

Notes & Credits