Le0Michine / FusionGridfinityGenerator

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Generation of gridfinity object is one entry in timeline #36

Closed amra closed 8 months ago

amra commented 12 months ago

After generating a gridfinity object about 20 operations will be added to timeline. image

Similar to other Fusion 360 operations, I would prefer this to be a single object. And after double-click on the operation in timeline an initial window is shown, where I can adjust parameters (e.g. edit height).

Le0Michine commented 11 months ago

to clarify, is the interaction you suggesting something you saw implemented by some other application? Would be great to be able to take a look at how it works. From what I saw in the documentation so far I'm not sure that it is something supported out of the box and trying to simulate that might take a lot of effort with unstable result which would be more frustrating to use than beneficial.

DraconPern commented 9 months ago

For the OP, you can use the component feature and reference it externally. https://help.autodesk.com/view/fusion360/ENU/?guid=GUID-5966BF6B-4135-49B3-B5BF-29A6577C9E72 Just save the gridfinity object in it's own file and you'll not see the timeline.

Le0Michine commented 8 months ago

made a change automatically collapsing all generated features in timeline, if nothing breaks, will include it into the next release


Le0Michine commented 8 months ago

the change is added into new release https://github.com/Le0Michine/FusionGridfinityGenerator/releases/tag/v1.2.7.0, pending update of the app in the autodesk app store