Le0Michine / FusionGridfinityGenerator

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Add-In for Fusion 360 allowing quick generation of simple gridfinity bins and baseplates. The created bodies are parametric and can be easily edited if needed before exporting. Bins have an option to be generated solid providing a kick start for specialized tool bins creation.


Each option is described in details on the project wiki page.

Bin options Baseplate options


Baseplate types

Light Skeleton with connection holes Full


Bin bottom options

Solid bottom With screw holes With magnet cutouts Combined

Bin half base size

Half base (21x21mm)

Bin type options

Hollow bin Shelled bin Solid bin

Bin compartments options

Detailed configuration options are on the wiki

Uniform compartments Custom compartments A Custom compartments B

Bin label tab configuration

Full length Single slot With offset

Bin scoop feature

Scoop enabled Scoop disabled

Hollow bin

Specialized Bin

Creating a 4x2 bin to hold oversized volcano nozzle

Bin for random round things


Via Autodesk App Store

From source code

Step 1: Download

Download code into a location on your hard drive.

git clone https://github.com/Le0Michine/FusionGridfinityGenerator.git

Step 2: Install as Add-In to Fusion 360


To update the script download latest sources into the same location and relaunch Fusion. If you used Autodesk app store to install the addon please follow the same link then download and install the latest version from there.

Support the project

The plugin is free. However, if you want to support the project you can do so by buying me a coffe or subscribing on patreon https://www.patreon.com/levmishin.


Gridfinity by Zack Freedman

This work is licensed under the same license as Gridfinity, being a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.