Le0Michine / FusionGridfinityGenerator

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Skeletonized baseplate generation fails with an error #41

Closed Le0Michine closed 11 months ago

Le0Michine commented 11 months ago
Error: An unknonwn error occurred, please validate your inputs and try again:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".../FusionGridfinityGenerator\commands\commandCreateBaseplate\entry.py", line 313, in generateBaseplate
    baseplateBody = createGridfinityBaseplate(baseplateGeneratorInput, gridfinityBaseplateComponent)
  File ".../FusionGridfinityGenerator\lib\gridfinityUtils\baseplateGenerator.py", line 108, in createGridfinityBaseplate
  File ".../FusionGridfinityGenerator\lib\gridfinityUtils\combineUtils.py", line 36, in joinBodies
    combineFeature = targetComponent.features.combineFeatures.add(combineInput)
  File ".../Autodesk/webdeploy/production/ab436cfc442dca0a34652534c345f2bd00e2ba64/Api/Python/packages\adsk\fusion.py", line 14376, in add
    return _fusion.CombineFeatures_add(self, input)
RuntimeError: 5 : Some input argument is invalid.

In a new Fusion 360 2.0.16753 x86_64 this error occurs when trying to generate skeletonized baseplate. The reason is a change in how Fusion API handles circular pattern now. Before the body which was used to create the pattern wouldn't be included into the list for the resulting feature object, now this behavior changed so some adjustment is required to account for that.

Le0Michine commented 11 months ago

the fix is available in master branch now

Le0Michine commented 11 months ago

created prerelease with the fix https://github.com/Le0Michine/FusionGridfinityGenerator/releases/tag/v1.2.4.0