Le0Michine / FusionGridfinityGenerator

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Bin Bottom Options - With screw holes + magnet cutouts (Combined) not working #43

Closed Pauly-gon closed 10 months ago

Pauly-gon commented 10 months ago

When selecting the option to add both screw holes and magnet cutouts the combined option fails to appear on the finished bin. Holes are not created with the rectangular cutouts leading to midair printing of a circle.

FusionGridfinityGenerator - Selection View

It seems like the measurements are off earlier in the timeline. Both rectangle sketches are made in the timeline but are offset too far.

FusionGridfinityGenerator - Sketch offset incorrect FusionGridfinityGenerator - Sketch offset incorrect2

Tested issue in v1.2.4 & v1.2.3

Le0Michine commented 10 months ago

looks like this could be caused by recent change in how those holes are positioned

Le0Michine commented 10 months ago

should be fixed now, release will take some time

Le0Michine commented 10 months ago is live in autodesk store now, closing the issue

Le0Michine commented 10 months ago
