Le0Michine / FusionGridfinityGenerator

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Option to save defaults #47

Closed matt-sorenson closed 3 months ago

matt-sorenson commented 9 months ago

It'd be really nice to have an option to save defaults, ie Generate lib for stackability on or off, or whether screw holes/magnet cutouts are on.

jtbrough commented 9 months ago

Agreed. We know what our typical configuration is - the magnets we own, the system we are building and scaling. Being able to set defaults, even if just modifying some underlying json config or whatever would be lovely. This is such an impossibly useful tool already, love using it.

t-makaro commented 7 months ago

On Windows, you can modify %appdata%\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\GridfinityGenerator.bundle\Contents\lib\gridfinityUtils\const.py to modify values for both bins and baseplates.

Or, the def defaultUiState(): function in %appdata%\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\GridfinityGenerator.bundle\Contents\commands\commandCreateBin\entry.py for just bins.

Or, the def command_created(args: adsk.core.CommandCreatedEventArgs): function in %appdata%\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\GridfinityGenerator.bundle\Contents\commands\commandCreateBaseplate\entry.py for just baseplates. That one looks more annoying to adjust. So if you want different values for baseplates and bins set the first file for both, and then override for bins in the second file, but a json file that lets you adjust bins and baseplates separately would be nice.

Nickduino commented 7 months ago

Would it be possible to export the parameters to a txt file? And then import them from a file? That way, we could easily manage a library of bins we use the most

t-makaro commented 7 months ago

Oooh. Parameter sets would be nice. OpenSCAD does this, and it's nice when I use gridfinity rebuilt in OpenSCAD.

Le0Michine commented 5 months ago

persisting default settings is in progress, ability to import/export settings externally is a whole different problem, but it might be added eventually

Le0Michine commented 3 months ago

was implemented as part of v1.3.1.0 release. Now new defaults can be persisted and restored when fusion is reopened