Le0Michine / FusionGridfinityGenerator

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Fixes for bin generation to meet gridfinity specifications #5

Closed jwcoope closed 1 year ago

jwcoope commented 1 year ago

Fix to generate the bin_base according to gridfinity specs as outlined on gridfinity.xyz/specification/

Le0Michine commented 1 year ago

thanks for looking into it, I see that many people want it to align with gridfinity.xyz/specification/. Overall I would prefer to split it into parts to focus on baseplate and lip separately, it seems it also could impact baseplate generator part.

jwcoope commented 1 year ago

Yea just started looking into baseplate and not really seeing any issues. In original ZF design I believe he modeled baseplate first and cut the bin, so most tolerances and stuff is on bin. Based on my testing with bins the above changes aligns everything. The main issue with your orig bins are a bit too big and if you try to match up a ZF orig and one from this you get some locking and suction, and that's if your print tolerances are great. If not great they won't match up.

Le0Michine commented 1 year ago

Just pushed base specific size updates, here is how it looks like in comparison to the original design, let me know if it doesn't address base specific issues for you


Le0Michine commented 1 year ago

also adjusted overall bin height and lip thickness to better match the original design. Lip height is factored in as extra 4.4mm to the bin height. Also (U - baseHeight) added to top up base height to the unit size


Le0Michine commented 1 year ago

I'm gonna close this for now since there is no activity, feel free to reopen in case there is still an issue persists