Le0Michine / FusionGridfinityGenerator

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Feature Request: Parametric Lid Generator #53

Open jordanlambrecht opened 9 months ago

jordanlambrecht commented 9 months ago

Adding a lid generator system would be awesome.

Le0Michine commented 8 months ago

not sure I see an option to do something of the sort at the moment. Adding a lid which doesn't click or held some other way seems not very useful. Making something what can interface with bins would probably require modification of the original bin shape which could make it tricky to keep it backwards compatible. Is there a particular lid design you were thinking of?

CuddlyTurtle commented 4 months ago

After seeing someone store glitter in open labeled 1x1 bins in the Gridfinity Discord the other day I spent an hour freehanding a lid. The concept seems to work quite well, but has some pre-reqs:

It would be generalizable for all regular bins with tabs, but would get awkward with partial tabs, and would required to be broken up in areas of no click in surface for long tabs or the lid will click in TOO well. The concept has has a couple of hours of shower thoughts and 1h of CAD, so it needs refining, but should be doable. Leaving it her for reference for now:


CuddlyTurtle commented 4 months ago

I think a better concept for the general problem includes a couple of smaller flextures, but that needs some more thinking. Will give it a go next time there's some free time to play with CAD.

t-makaro commented 4 months ago

Lids seem like nothing but scope creep to me. I don't think there is a universally agreed set of extra features people want from lids. Personally, I just generate a 1u high bin that's solid without the stacking lip for lids. You can customize from there.