Le0Michine / FusionGridfinityGenerator

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[RFC] Add tabs to magnet cutouts #85

Closed CuddlyTurtle closed 4 months ago

CuddlyTurtle commented 4 months ago

for people that use pressfit instead of glue.

This is a proof of concept that needs refinement by someone that uses pressfit. Areas of future consideration:

CuddlyTurtle commented 4 months ago

This was made to answer the question "how hard would it be to do" from people in the Gridfinity Discord. This is only an RFC before I forget that the code was written. As I don't use press-fits and this scratches none of my itches it probably won't be developed any further.

So just a FYI for now that there are people out there that want something similar, but this RFC can be closed if there is no further interest.

CuddlyTurtle commented 4 months ago

UI change and effect on model: magnettabs

gbrunow commented 4 months ago

I would love to see this merged!

This fork has a full solution that could be brought over: https://github.com/software-2/FusionGridfinityGeneratorPressureFit

gbrunow commented 4 months ago

I took the liberty to further refine this and submitted a new PR (#87)

CuddlyTurtle commented 4 months ago

Replaced by #87