Le0Michine / FusionGridfinityGenerator

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magnets on bottom of baseplates? #97

Open gazz29 opened 2 months ago

gazz29 commented 2 months ago

Is there a way to have the magnet holes on the bottom of the baseplates? with say a 0.4mm layer between the top of the magnet in it's hole and the top surface where the bins fit?

i prefer that way then the magnets do not need to be glued in place for the base magnets, obviously then we can't have screw down holes, but i find i prefer to use double sided tape to hold my gridfinity bases down in drawers or on table tops.

Le0Michine commented 2 months ago

Hi, no, currently there is no such option and there is no plan for implementing it either. It is easier to get magnets glued in or press fitted as it won't require baby sitting print job. However it should be easy enough to do if you want to go this route. You would need to add a bit of depth to the magnet sockets (0.5ish mm, thickness of membrane you want to use to hold them) and increase the size of the sockets to make sure you don't need to press them in too hard. Then create a sketch on the bottom of one of the bases, extrude membranes and replicate it to other bases using rectangular pattern

407pilot commented 2 months ago

I am looking for something similar, but I don't want to embed magnets while printing. I just want the magnets to be at the bottom so they hold the grid down inside a toolbox drawer. I figured out I could get close to what I want by setting Extra Bottom Thickness to the same thickness as the magnets, but this doesn't allow for material above the magnet that I could glue to.

Thank you for creating this, by the way! Best Fusion Add-On ever!

gazz29 commented 1 month ago

What i have been doing ....

when using the tool to create gridfinity bases, i make them full bases and only add 'screw holes' to them. Then when the base is modelled, i manually add holes that are 6.1mm.. dia. and 2.3mm deep, and place them centred on the screw hole locations.

Then delete all the screw holes.

Print the Gridfinity base, and then press the 6x2mm magnets in the holes using a small hand operated die press (~£20 off ebay... specifically the one used to fit 'grommets' to banners has a tool perfect for 6mm magnets) image

I have to make sure i get the magnets the correct way round, as once pressed in they don't come out easily, no glue needed, and as the magnets are on the underside of the base, they will never be pulled out by the magnets in the bases of the bins.
