LePhenix47 / Chronometer-Timer-Alarm__Younes-Lahouiti

This is a small project made in HTML, SASS and TypeScript
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The app is built using modern web development techniques and technologies. It employs event delegation, which is a pattern for handling events on a parent element that is common in complex web applications. This approach allows for more efficient event handling and simplifies the process of adding or removing elements from the DOM.

Additionally, the app makes use of drag and drop functionality, allowing users to interact with elements on the page in a more intuitive and tactile way. This feature is often used in applications that require users to organize or manipulate content, such as file management or task management systems.

The app is also built using web components, a set of standardized APIs that allow developers to create reusable and modular components for the web. These components can be easily shared across applications and help to promote consistency and maintainability in codebases.

Furthermore, the app is written in TypeScript, a statically-typed superset of JavaScript, which helps to catch bugs at compile-time and improve code readability and maintainability. The TypeScript code is compiled using Webpack, a popular module bundler that helps to package and optimize code for deployment to production environments. By using TypeScript and Webpack, the app benefits from improved development workflows and code organization, without requiring the use of a heavier framework like React.

A GitHub pages is available here:
