LePhenix47 / Paintbrush_Younes-Lahouiti

This is a simple paintbrush application built using HTML, SASS, and TypeScript. It provides a canvas where users can draw using their mouse. The app allows for easy customization and provides a responsive interface
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Paintbrush App

Table of Contents

1. Description

Paintbrush App is a simple web application that allows users to create drawings using a paintbrush tool. It provides a canvas where users can freely draw by moving their mouse. The app is built using HTML, SASS, and TypeScript, leveraging the power of these technologies to deliver an interactive painting experience.

2. Demo

You can see a live demo of the project at: GitHub Pages

3. Technologies Used

HTML5 Sass TypeScript

4. Features

5. Usage

To use the Paintbrush App, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository or download the source code.
  2. Open the index.html file in a web browser.
  3. Use the mouse to freely draw on the canvas.
  4. Customize the brush size and color using the provided options.
  5. Use the undo button to remove the last stroke or the clear button to start a new canvas.

Feel free to explore and unleash your creativity with the Paintbrush App!

6. Credits

This project was created by Younes Lahouiti.

7. License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.