LeStahL / ImageColorPicker

Image color picker tool by Team210
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 1 forks source link
color demoscene image picker pyinstaller python qt6 team210 tool


Image color picker tool by Team210



You need Python and poetry installed and in your system PATH. Before building, install the dependencies by running poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true and then poetry install from the source root.

For debugging, run poetry run python -m imagecolorpicker from the source root.

For building an executable, run poetry run pyinstaller imagecolorpicker/imagecolorpicker.spec from the source root. The executable will be generated in the dist subfolder.


ImageColorPicker can


ImageColorPicker is (c) 2023 Alexander Kraus nr4@z10.info and GPLv3; see LICENSE for details.