LeaVerou / inspire.js

Lean, hackable, extensible slide deck framework. Previously known as CSSS.
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While switching slides, a clipped slide is visible in top-left corner for a moment. #17

Closed marcoos closed 12 years ago

marcoos commented 12 years ago

When you switch a slide, part of it is displayed clipped in the top left corner of the page.

See e.g. my slides: http://l10n.mozilla.org/~marcoos/slides/2011/meetjs-krakow/index-en.html

This also happens on http://leaverou.me/csss/sample-slideshow.html#navigation but is almost unnoticable thanks to the background image and colors used in those slides. Set background to #666 instead of the image, to see it there, too.

LeaVerou commented 12 years ago

Yes, I've noticed that too. I'm not sure why it happens. It personally doesn't bother me much, but I'd welcome a fix.

marcoos commented 12 years ago

Played with this for a while this evening, and here's what I found.

You're hiding the slides by setting their width and height to 0:


 .slide {
  /* ... */
  /* ... */

The problem is that in theme.css you've got this:

.slide {
    padding:0 2.5% 2%;
/* ... */

So what we're seeing during the slide transition is actually the previous slide with CSS width & height set to 0, but thanks to the content-box box-model, padding still makes this box visible.

My quick fix looks like this, then:

.slide.previous, .slide.next {
  padding: 0;

I'm not making a pull request yet, since I'm not sure if you'd like to have it fixed in theme.css or slideshow.css.

LeaVerou commented 12 years ago

Thanks! That's not needed much, since they're hidden by opacity:0. Also, since yesterday, all slides but the current, next and previous have display:none, which should improve performance a lot.

Can you please pull the new version and let me know if it's solved?

marcoos commented 12 years ago

The thing is, I was debugging CSSS forked from yours half an hour ago, so I'm afraid it's not solved. Maybe something with transitions comes into place, then.

marcoos commented 12 years ago

I now checked the latest one and it seems it stopped happening after your changes made during the last 50 minutes. :)

marcoos commented 12 years ago

Yup, it's fixed now. Let's close this, then. I checked it in Firefox Nightly and Chrome 14.