LeaVerou / inspire.js

Lean, hackable, extensible slide deck framework. Previously known as CSSS.
MIT License
1.73k stars 254 forks source link
presentation slidedeck slideshow


Lean, hackable, extensible slide deck framework. Create basic slides by just writing HTML and CSS, do fancy custom stuff with JS, the sky is the limit!

Getting started


<script src="https://inspirejs.org/inspire.js"></script>


import Inspire from "https://inspirejs.org/inspire.mjs";


npm install inspirejs


<script src="https://github.com/LeaVerou/inspire.js/raw/master/node_modules/inspirejs.org/inspire.js"></script>


import Inspire from "node_modules/inspirejs.org/inspire.mjs";

or if you use a bundler:

import Inspire from "inspirejs.org";

Quick start

Previously known as CSSS.

If you were using CSSS and would rather stay at it, run git checkout v1.0.0 and stay there.

Migrating from CSSS - Almost all HTML syntax is the same! The same JS events are still fired. So, very little should break. - `slideshow.css` is now `inspire.css` - `slideshow.js` is now `inspire.js` - You don't need to run JS to create a slideshow, it is created automatically. - The `SlideShow` JS class is now `Inspire` - The `slideshow` JS variable is now `Inspire` - Presenter view will not be loaded unless there is at least one `class="presenter-notes"` item. - The CSS Controls plugin is now gone. Use [Mavo](https://mavo.io) if you need this functionality. - The CSS Snippets plugin is now gone. We will soon add a much better one, extracted based on the live demo script in https://github.com/leaverou/talks. - Incrementable is no longer a plugin. Use the separate script from https://github.com/leaverou/incrementable. - `reusable.css` has now been merged into the default theme, `theme.css`. - `data-import` is now `data-insert`


Running code after any imports have loaded

await Inspire.importsLoaded;
// code to run after imports have loaded

Note that await needs to be inside an async function otherwise it will error. However, this could just be a self-executing async function.

Running code after a specific plugin has loaded

await Inspire.importsLoaded;
await Inspire.plugins.loaded.PLUGIN_ID.loaded;
// code to run after the plugin with id PLUGIN_ID has loaded and executed


await Inspire.loadPlugin(PLUGIN_ID);
// code to run after the plugin with id PLUGIN_ID has loaded and executed

The second example would load the plugin if it hasn't otherwise been loaded, but if it will never be loaded twice.

Running code when a specific slide is displayed

You can do this via the slidechange hook:

Inspire.hooks.add("slidechange", env => {
    if (Inspire.currentSlide.id === "slide-id") {
        // Code to run

or, via an event:

document.addEventListener("slidechange", evt => {
    if (Inspire.currentSlide.id === "slide-id") {
        // Code to run

Running code when a specific slide is displayed for the first time

You can do this via the slidechange hook:

Inspire.hooks.add("slidechange", env => {
    if (Inspire.currentSlide.id === "slide-id" && env.firstTime) {
        // Code to run

or, via an event:

document.addEventListener("slidechange", evt => {
    if (Inspire.currentSlide.id === "slide-id" && evt.firstTime) {
        // Code to run


$("#slide-id").addEventListener("slidechange", evt => {
    // Code to run
}, {once: true});

Running code after a specific slide has been displayed

You can do this via the slidechange hook:

Inspire.hooks.add("slidechange", env => {
    if (env.prevSlide.id === "slide-id") {
        // Code to run

or, via an event:

document.addEventListener("slidechange", evt => {
    if (evt.prevSlide.id === "slide-id") {
        // Code to run