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random crashes #18

Closed uringlas closed 2 years ago

uringlas commented 2 years ago

The exe sometimes just crashes. I could not reproduce the error. Sometimes it happens after 5 min sometimes after 12 hours. No pattern can be seen.

Version 2.1 headless: false autologin: false OS: Win10 self compiled: false

Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 128, in File "selenium\webdriver\remote\webdriver.py", line 447, in get File "selenium\webdriver\remote\webdriver.py", line 435, in execute File "selenium\webdriver\remote\errorhandler.py", line 247, in check_response selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: cannot determine loading status from unknown error: cannot determine loading status from unknown error: unexpected command response (Session info: chrome=103.0.5060.114) Stacktrace: Backtrace: Ordinal0 [0x007E56B3+2184883] Ordinal0 [0x0077E5F1+1762801] Ordinal0 [0x00693DA8+802216] Ordinal0 [0x006871FE+750078] Ordinal0 [0x0068673A+747322] Ordinal0 [0x00685D1F+744735] Ordinal0 [0x00684C08+740360] Ordinal0 [0x00685208+741896] Ordinal0 [0x0069CB32+838450] Ordinal0 [0x0069628B+811659] Ordinal0 [0x00695E05+810501] Ordinal0 [0x006964E3+812259] Ordinal0 [0x0068F645+783941] Ordinal0 [0x0068F2CD+783053] Ordinal0 [0x00699FCB+827339] Ordinal0 [0x0069D320+840480] Ordinal0 [0x006854D6+742614] Ordinal0 [0x00699C07+826375] Ordinal0 [0x006ED292+1168018] Ordinal0 [0x006DC926+1100070] Ordinal0 [0x006B6EA0+945824] Ordinal0 [0x006B7D96+949654] GetHandleVerifier [0x00A84192+2704034] GetHandleVerifier [0x00A7687D+2648461] GetHandleVerifier [0x0087119A+529066] GetHandleVerifier [0x00870006+524566] Ordinal0 [0x00784F2B+1789739] Ordinal0 [0x00789978+1808760] Ordinal0 [0x00789A65+1808997] Ordinal0 [0x00792A01+1845761] BaseThreadInitThunk [0x76FCFA29+25] RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath [0x77757A9E+286] RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath [0x77757A6E+238]

[7344] Failed to execute script 'main' due to unhandled exception!

LeagueOfPoro commented 2 years ago

This is a known issue with Chrome 103 which is fixed in 104. It is explained in the tutorial video