LeagueOfPoro / EsportsCapsuleFarmer

Automatically watch all live matches on lolesports and farm Esports Capsules
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esports hacktoberfest league-of-legends

League of Poro's Esports Capsule Farmer

⚠️ This tool is discontinued. Please use the Evolved version here: https://github.com/LeagueOfPoro/CapsuleFarmerEvolved

Are you tired of watching professional League of Legends games? Do you watch only for the drops?

This tool makes the Chrome browser watch the matches for you!


Video Tutorial

(Outdated, will be updated in the future)


Total alerts Language grade: Python

Installation (simple)

⚠️ This project utilizes the Google Chrome browser by default. However, there's an experimental support for Firefox and Edge (see Configuration or CLI if you want to use alternative browsers). Please make sure you have the selected browser installed!

  1. Download and run the latest CapsuleFarmer.zip from Releases tab
  2. Extract the archive
  3. (Optional) Edit the configuration file with a text editor (e.g. Notepad) - see Configuration for details
  4. Run CapsuleFarmer.exe
  5. If you do not use the autologin feature - log into your account

Note: I am using Google Chrome + automatic login + headless. This will be the most stable and preferred configuration.


⚠️ The configuration file (config.yaml) MUST be present in the SAME folder as the executable! To use non-default path, see CLI.

Default configuration:

headless: false
  enable: false

If you wish to enable automatic login and to run the browser in the background:

headless: true
  enable: true
  username: "YourUsername"
  password: "YourPassword"

Experimental support for alternative browsers (default: chrome):

browser: firefox # Other options: chrome, edge

Set delay in seconds between checks for new matches (default: 600):

delay: 600

Multiple accounts

The program supports multiple accounts by default. However, if you want to use the automatic login + headless mode, the best method to start the program is to use the included batch script.

⚠️ Run the CapsuleFarmer.exe at least once before you attempt to use multiple accounts. Otherwise every instance will try to download the WebDriver and bad things WILL happen.

  1. Create configuration file for each account
  2. Open the example combine.bat in a text editor
  3. For each account, add path to the account's config file, e.g. START CapsuleFarmer.exe -c config.account1.yaml
  4. Run the .bat script

Common Errors/Issues


usage: CapsuleFarmer.exe [-h] [-b {chrome,firefox,edge}] [-c CONFIGPATH] [-d DELAY]

Farm Esports Capsules by watching lolesports.com.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b {chrome,firefox,edge}, --browser {chrome,firefox,edge}
                        Select one of the supported browsers
                        Path to a custom config file
  -d DELAY, --delay DELAY
                        Time spent sleeping between match checking (in seconds)

Installation (advanced)


Step by step

  1. Clone this repo - git clone https://github.com/LeagueOfPoro/EsportsCapsuleFarmer.git
  2. Move to the directory - cd EsportsCapsuleFarmer
  3. Install the Python virtual environment - pipenv install
  4. (Optional) Edit the configuration file
  5. Run the tool - pipenv run python ./main.py

Create EXE

  1. pipenv install --dev
  2. pipenv run pyinstaller -F --icon=poro.ico ./main.py


Dockerized version for Raspbery Pi by kacperkr90

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