LeagueOfPoro / EsportsCapsuleFarmer

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Add colors to some interactions #53

Closed aLonelyNetu closed 1 year ago

aLonelyNetu commented 1 year ago

Hey hello, can some interactions have colors like:

log.info(f"{match} is eligible for rewards ✓") maybe can be green; log.info(f"{match} is not eligible for rewards. Retrying...") maybe can be orange or yellow; log.warning(f"{match} is not eligible for rewards") maybe can be red;

Thanks. 😄

MrBartusek commented 1 year ago

This project could actually use a logs overhaul

aLonelyNetu commented 1 year ago

Actually not that bad:


dimitrisz123 commented 1 year ago

is there anyone working on this? i want to try

LeagueOfPoro commented 1 year ago

Not that I know of. Have fun!