LeagueOfPoro / EsportsCapsuleFarmer

Automatically watch all live matches on lolesports and farm Esports Capsules
95 stars 23 forks source link

Store user session between farmer runs #59

Open MrBartusek opened 1 year ago

MrBartusek commented 1 year ago

Hey! Currently, capsule farmer runs on default selenium configuration, which means cookies or other session data are lost upon closing the driver. This is not really an issue while using autologin but becomes one when using 2FA. If you want to run farmer on PI or autostart you need to paste the 2fa code each time when starting the app. When cookies will be stored between sessions you won't need to. This is not really a hard fix and selenium has such feature built in. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39183753/saving-chrome-cookies-selenium

LeagueOfPoro commented 1 year ago

This actually was in the early version of the program, but it created quite a lot of headaches when using more the one instance.

However, since there's a config file now, it could be brought back.

Neblinio commented 1 year ago

I am very interested in this functionality, please consider re-adding it. For eSports season 2023 I'm planning on automating capsule farmer as much as possible, using my main account (2FA enabled) + secondary account (no 2FA). Cookies preservation would make this much faster and easier. Thanks in advance.