LeagueOfPoro / EsportsCapsuleFarmer

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Suggestion: Feedback of gained drops during Session #72

Open a-Datana opened 1 year ago

a-Datana commented 1 year ago

Currently it feels like the Program isn't working in headless mode (if your client is closed)

A Highlighted Feedback text like a green "A Drop has been found!" would be pretty nice! as confirmation that it works.

MrBartusek commented 1 year ago

Agony to develop, test and debug. To be honest, I don't think it's an event worth adding, it's just too much hustle.

LeagueOfPoro commented 1 year ago

It is doable, I even have the HTML of the drop notification somewhere. However, as @MrBartusek said, it just adds unnecessary complexity and potential instability.

gvmii commented 1 year ago

This would be really useful