Learner5200 / acebook-MAICers

Clone of an infamous social media site.
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Acebook is a Facebook clone we created during a 2 week-long engineering project at Makers Academy. This version of Acebook is a full-stack app created in the first week using Ruby on Rails, and tested with RSpec and Capybara. In the second week, we were required to divide the app into a Rails API and a React front-end.

How to Use

To access the app in production, simply visit https://maicers-acebook.herokuapp.com/ in your web browser.

How to contribute

First, clone this repo and run bundle install to install dependencies, then run bin/rails db:setup db:migrate to setup the test and development databases.

If you would like to contribute to this project, please open a new branch, and make a pull request with a summary of proposed changes.

Accessing the app in development

  1. To launch the server, run bin/rails server
  2. Visit http://localhost:3000/ in your web browser


  1. To runs tests, simply run rspec. The test files can be found within the spec folder


Continuous Integration

How to deploy

Our process

Team Members

Muna Hussein | Anouska Hopkins | Imtiyaz Zaman | Chris Cooksley