LedgerDomain / did-webplus

did:webplus DID method
MIT License
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The did:web method makes straightforward use of familiar tools across a wide range of use cases. However, heavily regulated ecosystems such as the pharmaceutical supply chain demand additional guarantees of immutability and auditability, including seamless key rotation and a key usage history. did:webplus is a proposed fit-for-purpose DID method for use within the pharma supply chain credentialing community, with an eye towards releasing it into the wild for those communities that are similarly situated.

Along with an overview and examples, this repository includes a Rust crate for prototype implementation of the did:webplus DID method. This is a draft only, and your feedback is welcome.

If you want to see concrete examples, skip to the Examples section.

To run the tests, which include printouts demonstrating various features and data structures, run

cargo test --all-features -- --nocapture

The --all-features is necessary for now.


The did:web DID method is simple and easy enough to implement using web2 technologies. However, compared to others that incorporate more sophisticated cryptographic primitives and data structures (hashes, self-addressing identifiers, ledgers, formal DID document transactions, etc.), did:web often falls short. One of the biggest challenges in delivering did:web within a highly regulated industry such as the pharma supply chain is its lack of built-in "historicity." Many real-world did:web implementations assume that W3C Verifiable Presentations are ephemeral, needing to be verified at time of receipt (e.g. to access a particular resource) but not requiring retroactive verifiability in the event of a later audit. Within the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) and similar contexts, where a VP's historical validity may need to be checked for years after its creation, permanence rather than ephemerality is the general rule.

The did:webplus DID method described and prototyped in this git repository is an effort to create a balanced, fit-for-purpose extension of did:web that provides stronger guarantees with a moderate implementation lift. (Note that there is no formal promise that did:webplus is actually directly compatible with did:web, just that did:web was the initial inspiration.)

Data Model

Briefly, the idea is that each DID has an associated microledger of DID documents, with each DID document referencing the self-signature of the previous DID document. The microledger is intended to be immutable, append-only, and allow updates only from authorized parties. It provides a totally-ordered sequence of DID documents whose validity durations are non-overlapping. This is accomplished by the use of successive validFrom dates, as outlined in more detail below.

As outlined above, the validity duration applies to each DID document, and extends from the "validFrom" timestamp in the DID document until that DID document has been supplanted by the following DID document. If a DID document is the most recent, then its validity duration is extended through "now" and does not have a specified "validUntil" (expiration) timestamp. The validity duration is meant to assign to each timestamp a unique DID document from the sequence of DID documents for a DID, for the purposes of unambiguous historical DID document resolution. The DID document metadata returned as part of DID resolution helps in reasoning about this.

Verifiable Data Registry (VDR)

A Verifiable Data Registry in the context of did:webplus is a web host which hosts DID documents on behalf of DID controllers. A DID controller determine the content of each DID document, producing a self-signature over each DID document to prove valid authorship, whereas the VDR verifies DID creation and DID updates and serves DID documents to clients performing DID resolution. Thus a DID controller is the author of a DID, but the VDR is the origin of the DID's documents.

Long-Term Non-Repudiability via Witnessing Schemes

Among the central goals of did:webplus is long-term non-repudiability, meaning that DID microledgers should be immutable and un-forkable, and should be resolvable for an indefinite amount of time. Put differently, altering an existing DID document should be detectable and preventable, deleting a DID document should not be practically possible, and discontinuation of a Verifiable Data Registry (VDR) hosting a DID should not result in loss of the associated DID microledger.

By itself, a did:webplus VDR could delete DID documents, thereby violating the requirement for long-term non-repudiability and availability. If the VDR colludes with a DID controller, a DID microledger could be altered by forking it at a certain point in its history. This violates non-repudiability, immutability, and un-forkability of DID microledgers. Thus a did:webplus VDR alone is not sufficient to guarantee the desired properties.

To this end, a couple of "witnessing" schemes are presented.

Verifiable Data Gateway (VDG)

A Verifiable Data Gateway is meant to be a realtime replica of potentially many VDRs. A VDG retrieves, verifies, and stores all DID microledgers within some scope of interest. This scope could be, for example, all VDRs operating within a certain industry subject to strict long-term audit regulations. A VDG can also service DID resolution requests on behalf of users that choose to trust it. A VDG serves several purposes:

It is highly recommended that did:webplus be used with a VDG, so as to provide the strong guarantees outlined above.

Several different possible implementations have been proposed for a VDG, including:

Related discussion:

Limited Witnessing via Signatures

Signatures produced by the DID controller (e.g. in JWS or when signing Verifiable Credentials) must include the following query params in the DID fragment which specifies the signing key. The inclusion of the required query params acts as a limited witness to the DID document, i.e. it makes a commitment about the content of the current DID document in a place that is external to the did:webplus VDR. In a limited way, this partially mitigates certain modes of altering/forging DID document data. See https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/#did-parameters for a definition of some of the query params.

This form of witnessing binds the DID microledger at the time of signing in places external to both the VDR and the VDG, and therefore plays an important role in strengthening the did:webplus method.

Locally Verified Cache for DID Resolvers

An agent using a DID resolver (e.g. a client that needs to verify signatures, credentials, presentations, etc) can retrieve, verify, and store their own replicas of relevant DID microledgers. In this way they have their own private VDG, which acts as a "private" witness, and therefore can detect forked DIDs. Furthermore, it has a local copy of DID microledgers against which it can do historical DID resolution fully offline.

Determining if a given DID document is the latest DID document, however, still requires querying the DID's VDR, and therefore can't be done offline. This is needed if, for example, the DID controller needs to authenticate in realtime.



Comparison of classes of DID method.

did:web is a weak DID method. did:ethr has been chosen to generally represent a "strong" DID method, though there are others that don't necessarily involve cryptocurrency. did:webplus is meant to be a fit-for-purpose balance between strength and web2-oriented practicality, suited to meet the needs of regulated communities.

TODO: Add a non-cryptocurrency-based DID method to the table, e.g. did:indy or did:sov.

Feature did:web did:webplus without VDG did:webplus with VDG did:ethr
DID doc resolution is always available ✔️ ✔️
DID doc can't be deleted ✔️ ✔️
Root DID doc can't be altered ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Non-root DID doc can't be altered ✔️ ✔️
Has unambiguous update authorization rules ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Formal signature required to update ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Guaranteed historical DID doc resolution ✔️ ✔️
Free of cryptocurrency ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Practical to self-host VDR ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Uses broadly adopted software technologies ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Fully decentralized ✔️ ✔️ ✔️




Final Thoughts

I'm looking for feedback on this work-in-progress. Please post in the issues section of this Github repository.