LedgerHQ / app-passwords

Password Manager application for Ledger devices
Apache License 2.0
82 stars 22 forks source link


Quick summary

The Passwords application for Ledger Nano S and Nano X is available for download on the Ledger Live.

This application demonstrates a Password Manager implemented with no support from the host - the passwords are typed from the Nano S interacting as a keyboard to the connected computer / phone.


To create a password:

To type a password, just select it in your list of password.

If you want to add a lot of passwords, this process can be pretty painful. Instead of doing it manually, you can use the backup tool to load a custom list of password nicknames.

Application settings

In the application settings, the user can configure


As passwords are deterministically derived, it's not a problem if you loose your device, as long as you remember the password nicknames and you still have you device recovery phrase to set up again the Passwords app on a new device.

Same applies when updating the device firmware or the application itself, the list of password nicknames won't be restored automatically, so make sure to save a backup using this tool.

These nicknames are not confidential (meaning, someone who finds them will not be able to retrieve your passwords without your 24-words recovery phrase), so you don't have to hide your backup like you did with your recovery phrase. Sending it to yourself by e-mail is fine.

Password generation mechanism




Unit tests are in C and uses cmake to build and cmocka as a library. You will then need to compile the tests:

(cd tests/unit/ && \
 rm -rf build/ && \
 cmake -B build -H. && \
 make -C build)

You can then run the tests:

(cd tests/unit/ && \
 CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1 make -C build test)


Functional tests are written with Pytest. Before running them, you first need to compile the application with env variables TESTING=1 and POPULATE=1:


Then you can execute tests on speculos with:

pytest tests/functional

To run tests on a real device, load the app on it:

make load TESTING=1 POPULATE=1

Then open the app on your device and run:

pytest --hid

Future work

This release is an early alpha - among the missing parts :


This application uses