LeelaChessZero / lc0

The rewritten engine, originally for tensorflow. Now all other backends have been ported here.
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`go nodes 0` does infinite search #2003

Open mooskagh opened 3 months ago

mooskagh commented 3 months ago

It should stop immediately instead (or do one iteration when the tree is empty).

sovietpanzzer commented 2 months ago

Here seems to be the problem :

In the file src/mcts/stoppers/stoppers.h

class PlayoutsStopper : public SearchStopper {
  PlayoutsStopper(int64_t limit, bool populate_remaining_playouts)
      : nodes_limit_(limit ? limit : 4000000000ll), \\Here seems to be the problem
        populate_remaining_playouts_(populate_remaining_playouts) {}
  int64_t GetVisitsLimit() const { return nodes_limit_; }
  bool ShouldStop(const IterationStats&, StoppersHints*) override;

  const int64_t nodes_limit_;
  const bool populate_remaining_playouts_;

For some reason when limit = 0, nodes_limit is changed to 4000000000ll which makes go nodes 0 similar to infinite search. A simple fix is to remove this condition. Does it affect other parts of the code ?

mooskagh commented 2 months ago

This 4'000'000'000 was introduced to prevent number of nodes overflowing uint32 (e.g. in go infinite case), and we'd like to keep that check. But I believe it should be not in the stoppers constructors (so I agree with removing it from there), but in the place where the stoppers are created:

// common.cc

  // "go nodes" stopper.
  int64_t node_limit = 0;
  if (params.nodes) {
    if (options.Get<bool>(kNodesAsPlayoutsId)) {
          *params.nodes, options.Get<float>(kSmartPruningFactorId) > 0.0f));
    } else {
      node_limit = *params.nodes;
  // always limit nodes to avoid exceeding the limit 4000000000. That number is
  // default when node_limit = 0.
      node_limit, options.Get<float>(kSmartPruningFactorId) > 0.0f));

Also I can see that you posted a snippet from PlayoutsStopper, but I cannot find this in the code; it's VisitsStopper that has this check. Are you sure that you are editing the latest version?

sovietpanzzer commented 2 months ago

Indeed i confused VisitsStopper and PlayoutsStopper, the code I was refering to is :

// src/mcts/stoppers/stoppers.h

// Watches visits (total tree nodes) and predicts remaining visits.
class VisitsStopper : public SearchStopper {
  VisitsStopper(int64_t limit, bool populate_remaining_playouts)
    : nodes_limit_(limit ? limit : 4000000000ll),
        populate_remaining_playouts_(populate_remaining_playouts) {}
  int64_t GetVisitsLimit() const { return nodes_limit_; }
  bool ShouldStop(const IterationStats&, StoppersHints*) override;

  const int64_t nodes_limit_;
  const bool populate_remaining_playouts_;

But how exactly is this preventing uint32 overflow ? Since a check on 0 doesn't mean it has overflowed for more than 0 ? Or am I missing something

mooskagh commented 2 months ago

If the limit is set to 0, the nodes_limit_ should indeed be zero.
But if the limit is not set at all, it should still be 4'000'000'000. As I said above, it's better to do in the calling code in common.cc though, and not in the stopper itself.