Leibniz-HBI / tegracli

A Telegram/telethon research convenience wrapper for the terminal.
MIT License
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research-tool telegram telegram-api



A convenience wrapper around Telethon and the Telegram Client API for research purposes.

Installation Instructions

tegracli uses Poetry and python >= 3.9 and < 4.0 for building and installing.

To install using pipx, run the following command pipx install tegracli.

How to get API keys

If you don't have API keys for Telegram, head over to my.telegram.org. Click on API development tools, fill the form to create yourself an app and pluck the keys into tegracli.conf.yml. The session name can be arbitrary.

api_id: 1234567
api_hash : some12321hashthatmustbehere123
session_name: somesessionyo

This template file is provided with the repository.


tegracli is a terminal application to access the Telegram API for research purposes. In order to retrieve messages the configuration-file from the section before must be present in the directory you start tegracli.

Usage: tegracli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Tegracli!! Retrieve messages from *Te*le*gra*m with a *CLI*!

  -d, --debug              Enable legacy debugging, is overwritten by the
                           other options. Defaults to False.
  -v, --verbose            Logging verbosity.
  -l, --log-file FILENAME  File to log to. Defaults to STDOUT.
  -s, --serialize          Serialize output to JSON.
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

  configure  Configure tegracli.
  get        Get messages for the specified channels by either ID or...
  group      Manage account groups.
  hydrate    Hydrate a file with messages-ids.
  search     Searches Telegram content that is available to your account.


tegracli allows for configuring what and how it is logged. Per default logging is disabled and can be enabled by passing --verbose or -v, logging level can be increased by more -vvvvs. By default logging target is STDOUT but this can be redirected to a file with --log-file yourfile.log. Setting --serialize allows to be to write the entire logging information in JSON-encoded form. --debug is the legacy option used by tegracli <= 0.2.5, this will set serialized logging into tegracli.log.jsonl at the DEBUG level; it is overwritten by setting the --verbose option.


The following commands are available:


Opens an interactive prompt for configuring API-access. Aks you to input your API id, API hash and session name and requests a 2FA code from Telegram.

Usage: tegracli configure [OPTIONS]

  Configure tegracli.

  --help  Show this message and exit.


To get messages from a number of channels, use this command.

Usage: tegracli get [OPTIONS] [CHANNELS]...

  Get messages for the specified channels by either ID or username.

  -l, --limit INTEGER           Number of messages to retrieve.
  -O, --offset_date [%Y-%m-%d]  Offset retrieval to specific date in YYYY-MM-
                                DD format.
  -o, --offset_id INTEGER       Offset retrieval to a specific post number.
  -m, --min_id INTEGER          Minimal post number.
  -M, --max_id INTEGER          Maximal post number
  -a, --add_offset INTEGER      Add an offset to the post numbers to be
  -f, --from_user TEXT          Only messages from this user.
  --reverse / --forward         Should post numbers count upward or downward.
                                Defaults to forward.
  -r, --reply_to TEXT           Only messages replied to specific post id.
  --help                        Show this message and exit.
parameter description
channels a list of of either telegram usernames, channel or group URLs or user IDs.
limit number of messages to retrieve, positive integer. If set to -1 , retrieves all messages in the channel. defaults to -1.
offset_date specify start point of retrieval by date, retrieval direction is controlled by reverse/forward. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD.
offset_id specify start point of retrieval by post number, retrieval direction is controlled by reverse/forward.
min_id sets the minimum post number
max_id sets the maximum post number
add_offset add a offset to the post numbers to be retrieved
from_user limit messages to posts from a specific user
reply_to limit messages to replies to a specific user
reverse/forward flag to indicate whether messages should be retrieved in chronological or reverse chronological order.

Basic Examples

To retrieve the last fifty messages from a Telegram channel:

tegracli get --limit 50 corona_infokanal_bmg

To retrieve the entire history starting with post #1 of a channel, set limit to -1.

tegracli get --reverse --limit -1 corona_infokanal_bmg

To retrieve messages sent after January, 1st 2022:

tegracli get --offset_date 2022-01-01 corona_infokanal_bmg

To retrieve message sent before January, 1st 2022:

tegracli get --reverse --offset_date 2022-01-01 corona_infokanal_bmg


To search messages of your chats and groups and channels you are subscribed to, use this command.

Usage: tegracli search [OPTIONS] [QUERIES]...

  This function searches Telegram content that is available to your account for the specified search term(s).

  --help  Show this message and exit.


To rehydrate messages from the API this command accepts a file with message IDs in the format of $channel_name/$post_number. Both input and output file are optional, if not given, stdin and stdout are used.

Output data is JSONL, one message per line.

Usage: tegracli hydrate [OPTIONS] [INPUT_FILE] [OUTPUT_FILE]

  Hydrate a file with messages-ids.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

For example, to rehydrate message IDs:

echo test_channel/1234 | tegracli hydrate
>> {"_":"Message","id": 1234, ... , "restriction_reason":[],"ttl_period":null}


In order to support updatable and long-running collections tegracli sports an account group feature which retrieves the history of a given set of accounts and is able to retrieve updates on each of these accounts.

Groups are initialized by calling teracli group init, where accounts to track are stated by either stating them as arguments or by reading in a file.

Account Group File Format

Account files are expected to follow these requirements:

Usage: tegracli group init [OPTIONS] NAME [ACCOUNTS]...

  initialize a new account group

  -f, --read_file PATH         read an account list from a file, one
                               handle/id/url per line.
  -s, --start_date [%Y-%m-%d]  Start date for the collection. Must be in YYYY-
                               MM-DD format.
  -l, --limit INTEGER          number of posts fo retrieve in one run
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

A group is essentially a directory in your tegracli project folder which holdes a group configuration file, a profiles.jsonl file which will collect all user objects returned by Telegram (these will be recycled to save API requests), as well as the jsonl-files containing the messages. The messages-files are structured in a way that one file holds the messages of one account and is named by the account's ID.

An exemplary project could look this:

 |- tegracli.conf.yml
 |- mysession.session
 |- my_group/
    |- tegracli_group.conf.yml
    |- profiles.jsonl
    |- 10000001.jsonl
    |- 10000002.jsonl

To run the project command your terminal to tegracli group run my_group to collect the latest post of the accounts you want to track. If you have multiple groups configured you can run all by running tegracli group run all. This interprets all subdirectories as valid groups. However, tegracli will fail if a subdirectory is not a valid group.

Usage: tegracli group run [OPTIONS] [GROUPS]...

  Load a group configuration and run the groups operations.

  GROUPS are subdirectories with a valid group configuration.
    If the special keyword all is given, all subdirectories are considered.

Result File Format

Messages are stored in jsonl-files per channel or query. For channels filename is the channel's or user's id, for searches the query. BEWARE: how directories and files are structured is subject to active development and prone to changes in the near future.

Developer Installation

  1. Install poetry,
  2. Clone repository and unzip, if necessary,
  3. In the directory run poetry install,
  4. Run poetry shell to start the development virtualenv,
  5. Run pytest to run tests, run pytest --run_api to include tests against the Telegram API (these do require a valid configuration), coverage report can be found under tests/coverage.