A user interface designed to implement the Trojan-Go API to manage users or monitor the server,
Written with C++ and compiles to webassembly which allows fast encryption/decryption of packets being sent/received from server & uses a modern bloat free ui- library Dear ImGui
Reverse proxy with customizable pre-made templates
Panel and reverse-proxy and users all on same port
Real-time data such as speed, traffic usage (sortable)
Telegram bot with admin notifications and users status support
By using the telegram bot, you can change domain/ip when ever you needed and the bot sends the latest updated configs to all users with 1 click
By using the telegram bot, you can broadcast messages to all users , or even singe user
User limits possible: speed , ip count , traffic total , duration(days)
Panel and backend developed with native programing languages without any scripting language, allows a fast and cheap server side with less cpu usage
Panel omits any identifiable resource with the name Npanel even in html,js contents (thanks to webassembly)
Panel uses 1 additional layer of AES-256 encryption for all kinds of data being transfered (only between the web-ui and server, not affecting trojan-go tls strategy)
Panel uses multiple separated process which allows the user configs to work even if Npanel crashes by a bug!
Real time server resources monitoring with fast update rate
Supports windows server or even home pc
Active support and fast bug fixes, just create a issue or dm me in telegram (link provided in about-page)
Tested on Ubuntu 20
wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Leiren/Npanel/master/scripts/install.sh" -O install.sh && chmod +x install.sh && bash install.sh
This command is also used to update.
Tested on Windows 10 & server 2022
to Install: download the latest release and run .exe
to Update: download the last release and move panel.json and users.db from old Npanel folder to new version.
if you want to use it on your home Windows pc rather than a Windows server, you should configure your home router to forward ports 80,443 .
Important Notice on Windows: on first startup of the program (setup stage) you must allow ports 80,443,2060 in firewall settings by your self! then open http://yourip:2060 on your browser and finish the setup stage. after that, only ports 80,443 are required to be allowed in firewall settings.
Npanel has auto backup and restore, it is safe to backup but not required
on Linux all the data you can backup are in /opt/Npanel/AutoBackup/*
on Windows The Npanel folder is your backup indeed.
To restore, stop the panel then put your backup files to /opt/Npanel/*
on Linux you should backup /opt/Npanel Folder on old server then
Note that you must also bring your cert&key files from old server or generate a new certificate on target server and put them in same path that was on old server.
on Windows you can just copy the Npanel folder and move it to destination server since it is portable.
Official group for Persian language (IRAN) is available !
other languages groups will be added when they reach minimum 100 users.
on Linux:
service npanel stop
rm -rf /opt/Npanel
rm /etc/systemd/system/npanel.service
This UI is only a front-end application and it is useless by it self, you must implement your server side functions by your favorite language like python/c/etc.. or use the provided server which has conditions.
current server support always enables bbr , disables ufw to avoid problems. (Linux only)
current server support always kills ports 80,443 (for global serving) and ports 2060,2061 for local listening at startup.
during the setup wizard, you configure the server by connecting to port 2060; but after setup is finished only ports 80 , 443 are opened globaly and ports 2060,2061 are used locally.
If you want to reduce the risk of your server getting blocked, tell your users to use clients that support uTls. (lastest version of most clients do it)