LemmyNet / lemmy-ansible

A docker deploy for ansible
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
248 stars 94 forks source link


This provides an easy way to install Lemmy on any server. It automatically sets up an nginx server, letsencrypt certificates, docker containers, pict-rs, and email smtp.


To run this ansible playbook, you need to:

Supported Distribution Playbook Matrix

These are the distributions we currently support. Anything not listed here is currently not supported.
If you wish to see another distribution on the list, please test on the latest commit in main and report your findings via an Issue.

Distribution Version Playbook
Debian 10 lemmy.yml
Debian 11 lemmy.yml
Debian 12 lemmy.yml
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS lemmy.yml
RHEL 9 lemmy-almalinux.yml


  1. Clone this repo & checkout latest tag

    git clone https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ansible.git
    cd lemmy-ansible
    git checkout $(git describe --tags)
  2. Make a directory to hold your config:

    mkdir -p inventory/host_vars/<your-domain>

  3. Copy the sample configuration file:

    cp examples/config.hjson inventory/host_vars/<your-domain>/config.hjson

    Edit that file and change the config to your liking. Note: Do not edit anything inside the {{ }} braces.

    Here are all the config options.

  4. Copy the sample inventory hosts file:

    cp examples/hosts inventory/hosts

    Edit the inventory hosts file (inventory/hosts) to your liking.

  5. Copy the sample postgresql.conf

    cp examples/customPostgresql.conf inventory/host_vars/<your-domain>/customPostgresql.conf

    You can use the PGTune tool to tune your postgres to meet your server memory and CPU.

  6. Copy the sample vars.yml file

    cp examples/vars.yml inventory/host_vars/<your-domain>/vars.yml

    Edit the inventory/host_vars/<your-domain>/vars.yml file to your liking.

  7. Run the playbook:

    Note: See the "Supported Distribution Playbook Matrix" section above if you should use lemmy.yml or not

    ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts lemmy.yml

    Note: if you are not the root user or don't have password-less sudo, use this command:

    ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts lemmy.yml --become --ask-become-pass

    Note: if you haven't set up ssh keys[^1], and ssh using a password, use the command:

    ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts lemmy.yml --become --ask-pass --ask-become-pass

    Full ansible command-line docs

    If the command above fails, you may need to comment out this line In the ansible.cfg file:


[^1]: To create an ssh key pair with your host environment, you can follow the instructions here, and then copy the key to your host server.


Please see the dedicated UPGRADING document for all upgrade processess

Since version 1.1.0 we no longer default to using main but use tags to make sure deployments are versioned. With every new release all migration steps shall be written in the UPGRADING document. When updating please make sure you check out the Lemmy Releases Changelog to see if there are any config changes with the releases since your last read.

Migrating your existing install to use this deploy


ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts uninstall.yml --become
