LemurPwned / video-sampler

Effective frame sampling for ML applications.
MIT License
16 stars 5 forks source link
data-mining frame-selection machine-learning sampling video-processing video-sampling


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Table of Contents


Documentation is available at https://lemurpwned.github.io/video-sampler/.


Installation and Usage

If you intend to use all the integrations, you need all the dependencies:

python3 -m pip install -U video_sampler[all]

for minimalist no-cli usage install:

python3 -m pip install -U video_sampler

Available extras are:

To see all available options, run:

python3 -m video_sampler --help

Basic usage


python3 -m video_sampler hash FatCat.mp4 ./dataset-frames/ --hash-size 3 --buffer-size 20

From the config file:

python3 -m video_sampler config ./configs/hash_base.yaml /my-video-folder/ ./my-output-folder

You can set the number of workers to use with the n_workers parameter. The default is 1.

YT-DLP integration plugin

Before using please consult the ToS of the website you are scraping from -- use responsibly and for research purposes. To use the YT-DLP integration, you need to install yt-dlp first (see yt-dlp). Then, you simply add --yt-dlp to the command, and it changes the meaning of the video_path argument.

video_sampler hash "ytsearch:cute cats" ./folder-frames/ \
  --hash-size 3 --buffer-size 20 --ytdlp
video_sampler hash "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W86cTIoMv2U" ./folder-frames/ \
    --hash-size 3 --buffer-size 20 --ytdlp
video_sampler hash "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbpP3Sxp-1U&list=PLFezMcAw96RGvTTTbdKrqew9seO2ZGRmk" ./folder-frames/ \
  --hash-size 3 --buffer-size 20 --ytdlp
video_sampler hash "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbpP3Sxp-1U&list=PLFezMcAw96RGvTTTbdKrqew9seO2ZGRmk" ./folder-frames/ \
  --hash-size 3 --buffer-size 20 --ytdlp --keywords "cat,dog,another keyword,test keyword"

The videos are never directly downloaded, only streamed, so you can use it to sample videos from the internet without downloading them first.

Extra YT-DLP options

You can pass extra options to yt-dlp by using the -yt-extra-args flag. For example:

this will only sample videos uploaded before 2019-01-01:

... --ytdlp --yt-extra-args '--datebefore 20190101'

or this will only sample videos uploaded after 2019-01-01:

... --ytdlp --yt-extra-args '--dateafter 20190101'

or this will skip all shorts:

... --ytdlp --yt-extra-args '--match-filter "original_url!*=/shorts/ & url!*=/shorts/"

OpenAI summary

To use the OpenAI multimodal models integration, you need to install openai first pip install openai. Then, you simply add --summary-interval to the command and the url.

In the example, I'm using llamafile LLAVA model to summarize the video every 50 frames. If you want to use the OpenAI multimodal models, you need to export OPENAI_API_KEY=your_api_key first. The format should also work with default OpenAI stuff.

To replicate, run LLAVA model locally and set the summary-url to the address of the model. Specify the summary-interval to the minimal interval in seconds between frames that are to be summarised/described.

video_sampler hash ./videos/FatCat.mp4 ./output-frames/ --hash-size 3 --buffer-size 20 --summary-url "http://localhost:8080/completion" --summary-interval 50

Supported env in case you need those:

Confirmed that you can make it work with e.g. LM Studio, but you need to adjust the summary-url to the correct address, e.g. it might be "http://localhost:8080/completions". Similar if you want to use the OpenAI API.

Some frames, based on the interval specified, will be summarised by the model and the result will saved in the ./output-frames/summaries.json folder. The frames that are summarised come after the sampling and gating process happens, and only those frames that pass both stages are viable for summarisation.

{"time": 56.087, "summary": "A cat is walking through a field of tall grass, with its head down and ears back. The cat appears to be looking for something in the grass, possibly a mouse or another small creature. The field is covered in snow, adding a wintry atmosphere to the scene."}
{"time": 110.087, "summary": "A dog is walking in the snow, with its head down, possibly sniffing the ground. The dog is the main focus of the image, and it appears to be a small animal. The snowy landscape is visible in the background, creating a serene and cold atmosphere."}
{"time": 171.127, "summary": "The image features a group of animals, including a dog and a cat, standing on a beach near the ocean. The dog is positioned closer to the left side of the image, while the cat is located more towards the center. The scene is set against a beautiful backdrop of a blue sky and a vibrant green ocean. The animals appear to be enjoying their time on the beach, possibly taking a break from their daily activities."}

API examples

See examples in ./scripts.

Advanced usage

There are 3 sampling methods available:

To launch any of them you can run and substitute method-name with one of the above:

video_sampler buffer `method-name` ...other options


video_sampler buffer entropy --buffer-size 20 ...

where buffer-size for entropy and gzip mean the top-k sliding buffer size. Sliding buffer also uses hashing to reduce duplicated samples.


Aside from basic sampling rules, you can also apply gating rules to the sampled frames, further reducing the number of frames. There are 3 gating methods available:

Here's a quick example of how to use clip:

python3 -m video_sampler clip ./videos ./scratch/clip --pos-samples "a cat" --neg-samples "empty background, a lemur"  --hash-size 4

CLIP-based gating comparison

Here's a brief comparison of the frames sampled with and without CLIP-based gating with the following config:

  gate_def = dict(
      pos_samples=["a cat"],
          "an empty background",
          "text on screen",
          "a forest with no animals",

Evidently, CLIP-based gating is able to filter out frames that do not contain a cat and in consequence, reduce the number of frames with plain background. It also thinks that a lemur is a cat, which is not entirely wrong as fluffy creatures go.

Pass gate (no gating) CLIP gate Grid

The effects of gating in numbers, for this particular set of examples (see produced vs gated columns). produced represents the number of frames sampled without gating, here after the perceptual hashing, while gated represents the number of frames sampled after gating.

video buffer gate decoded produced gated
FatCat.mp4 grid pass 179 31 31
SmolCat.mp4 grid pass 118 24 24
HighLemurs.mp4 grid pass 161 35 35
FatCat.mp4 hash pass 179 101 101
SmolCat.mp4 hash pass 118 61 61
HighLemurs.mp4 hash pass 161 126 126
FatCat.mp4 hash clip 179 101 73
SmolCat.mp4 hash clip 118 61 31
HighLemurs.mp4 hash clip 161 126 66

Blur gating

Helps a little with blurry videos. Adjust threshold and method (laplacian or fft) for best results. Some results from fft at threshold=20:

video buffer gate decoded produced gated
MadLad.mp4 grid pass 120 31 31
MadLad.mp4 hash pass 120 110 110
MadLad.mp4 hash blur 120 110 85


Configuration for this benchmark:

SamplerConfig(min_frame_interval_sec=1.0, keyframes_only=True, buffer_size=30, hash_size=X, queue_wait=0.1, debug=True)
Video Total frames Hash size Decoded Saved
SmolCat 2936 8 118 106
SmolCat - 4 - 61
Fat Cat 4462 8 179 163
Fat Cat - 4 - 101
HighLemurs 4020 8 161 154
HighLemurs - 4 - 126

    buffer_config={'type': 'entropy'/'gzip', 'size': 30, 'debug': False, 'hash_size': 8, 'expiry': 50}
Video Total frames Type Decoded Saved
SmolCat 2936 entropy 118 39
SmolCat - gzip - 39
Fat Cat 4462 entropy 179 64
Fat Cat - gzip - 73
HighLemurs 4020 entropy 161 59
HighLemurs - gzip - 63

Benchmark videos

Flit commands


flit build


flit install


Remember to bump the version in pyproject.toml before publishing.

flit publish

🛡 License


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.

📃 Citation

  author = {video-sampler},
  title = {Video sampler allows you to efficiently sample video frames},
  year = {2023},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/LemurPwned/video-sampler}}