LennartHennigs / ESPTelnet

ESP library that allows you to setup a telnet server for debugging.
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Wired LAN8720 connected check / workaround / fix? #63

Open HotNoob opened 5 months ago

HotNoob commented 5 months ago

using Eth.H / EthClass.H

which piggy backs a bit off of the wifi events a bit...

this check, which is enabled by default will stop begin from working.


#include <ETH.h>

 if ( !ETH.linkUp() &&  WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && !_isIPSet(WiFi.softAPIP())) return false; 

fixes this problem, alternatively as a work around, turning the check off via bool works too.

telnet.begin(23, false);

it does require making the lib more bulky... so could maybe use this WITHOUT . only compatible

 if ( !(WiFiGenericClass::getStatusBits() & ETH_CONNECTED_BIT) &&  WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && !_isIPSet(WiFi.softAPIP())) return false; 

instead, to avoid having to import Eth.H for wifi only builds.

works fine over eth \w main for me with some small modification.

LennartHennigs commented 5 months ago

Hey, As you pointed out, my answer would have been to disable the check via:

telnet.begin(23, false); :-)

By looking at this #if ESP_IDF_VERSION_MAJOR > 3, I guess you use an ESP32.

Can you point me to some additional examples/explanations for this part of your suggestion:


 if ( !(WiFiGenericClass::getStatusBits() & ETH_CONNECTED_BIT))

That would allow me to judge better whether I want to include this – as there was a request about some Ethernet board before: #48.

HotNoob commented 5 months ago

hmm. welp, i'm new to arduino stuff... and rusty af \w c / c++ :P


i'm just stealing that code from: https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/blob/e92b4ca62b7f1375b762ee18ceb9f59dbd4a04dc/libraries/Ethernet/src/ETH.cpp#L957C12-L957C45

a bit of a hack https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/blob/e92b4ca62b7f1375b762ee18ceb9f59dbd4a04dc/libraries/Ethernet/src/ETH.h#L66

since wifi.h is already including wifigenericclass yaddi yaddie.


Wifi.H does include ETH_CONNECTED_BIT; this is where the Eth connected status is set.



if ( !(WiFiGenericClass::getStatusBits() & ETH_CONNECTED_BIT ) && WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && !_isIPSet(WiFi.softAPIP())) return false;

should be sufficient. i think #ESP_IDF_VERSION_MAJOR is probably not necessairy, as its not on the git repo, but is in the lib from platform io.

been running the modified code for a bit now, working fine. i don't think it'll effect wifi functionality because the bit status is done in the wifi libs.

as far as the other issue, #48 , he is using a W5100 chip, which goes over SPI afaik, which i think might use different libraries. Ethernet.h is not used for me.

the LAN8720 im using is built into the board... donno if expressif's Eth.H works for his W5100.