collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
fig.path = "man/figures/README-"
The goal of footBayes
is to propose a complete workflow to:
fit the most well-known football models: double Poisson, bivariate Poisson, Skellam, student-t, according to both maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods (+ Hamiltonian Monte Carlo engine);
visualize the teams' abilities, the model checks, the rank-league reconstruction;
predict out-of-sample matches.
Alternatively to CRAN, you can safely install footBayes
from github with:
# install.packages("devtools")
In what follows, a quick example to fit a Bayesian double Poisson model for the Italian Serie A (seasons 2000-2001, 2001-2002, 2002-2003), visualize the estimated teams' abilities, and predict the last four match days for the season 2002-2003:
# dataset for Italian serie A
italy <- as_tibble(italy)
italy_2000_2002<- italy %>%
dplyr::select(Season, home, visitor, hgoal, vgoal) %>%
filter(Season=="2000" | Season=="2001" | Season =="2002")
fit1 <- stan_foot(data = italy_2000_2002,
predict = 36) # double poisson fit (predict last 4 match-days)
foot_abilities(fit1, italy_2000_2002) # teams abilities
pp_foot(italy_2000_2002, fit1) # pp checks
foot_rank(italy_2000_2002, fit1) # rank league reconstruction
foot_prob(fit1, italy_2000_2002) # out-of-sample posterior pred. probabilities
For more and more technical details and references, see the vignette!