LeonardoDPantoja / EDA_Project

Exploratory Data Analysis with INEGI Data from ENIF (Encuesta Nacional de Inclusion Financiera)
MIT License
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Exploratory Data Analysis with INEGI Data from ENIF 2021 (Encuesta Nacional de Inclusion Financiera) using the paper "Good Enough Practices in Scientific Computing" por Greg Wilson, Jennifer Bryan, Karen Cranston, Justin Kitzes, Lex Nederbragt, Tracy K. Teal. as base.

This survey is from a partnership between CNBV (Comision Nacional Bancaria y de Valores) and INEGI (Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia) it shows the latest information from 2021, this survey is done every 3 years, it's applied at national level and it's just to have a statistical representation on how is the financial inclusion.

The repository structure is:

├── LICENSE           <- MIT License.  
├── README.md         <- Main Readme file with the description of the project.  
├── CONTRIBUTING.md   <- Steps yo contribute to the project.  
├── CITATION.md       <- Way to cite the project.  
├── data              <- Original data bases.  
├── doc               <- Text files.  
├── results           <- Clean and analyzes data bases.  
└── src               <- Coding files.