Leopardob / open-gto

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             The GTO file format


  1. Overview
  2. License Brief
  3. Build Notes

Here's the Overview section from the documentation. For the rest, see "doc/gto.texi" (can be easily converted to HTML with texi2html)

  1. Overview

    The GTO format's primary usage is storage of static geometric data. The types of data you might find in a GTO file are things like polygonal meshes, various types of subdivision surfaces, NURBS or UBS surfaces, coordinate systems, hierarchies of objects, material bindings, and even images. In our facility -- Tweak Films -- the data in GTO files are rendered directly by entropy (a prman compatible rib renderer) and used for modeling and 3D paint. We also use the GTO format in place of the venerable and yet nasty PDB file format for particles.

    From a historic point of view, the GTO file format is most closely related to the original inventor file format, the Stanford PLY format and the PDB particle format. Like the Wavefont PDB file format, there are a limited number of simple GTO data types (float, int, string, boolean). Like the inventor file format, a GTO can hold an entire transformation hierarchy including geometric leaf nodes. Like the PLY format, the GTO format can contain an arbitrary amount of data per primitive. Most importantly however, the GTO file format is intended to be very OBJ-like; its relatively easy to read and write and easy to ignore data you don't want or know about.

    GTO files are binary files. There is currently no ASCII/Unicode or other human readable version of the file other than the output of the gtoinfo program. Therefore we provide code for the binary format to give implementors a head start. The file is either big or little endian on disk, but should be readable on any platform.

    The GTO reader we provide can be linked against libz, so it can read gzipped GTO files natively. We find that gzipping GTO files from most 3D programs can reduce the size by approximately 60%. The file itself contains Objects which are composed of Components. Components are further composed of Properties. A Property contains an array of one of the predefined data types with a specified width. For example, you might have an object which looks something like this:

    Object "cube" Component "points" Property float[3][8] "position" Property float[1][8] "mass" Component "elements" Property byte[1][8] "type" Property short[1][8] "size" Component "indices" Property int[1][32] "vertex"

    Using the terminology above, the object "cube" contains five properties: "position", "mass", "type", "size", and "vertex". The "points" component describes the points that make up the cube vertices. Each point has a position and mass stored in properties of the same name. The position property data is composed of eight float[3] data items (or 8 3D points). The "mass" property is composed of a 8 scalar floating point values (one for each point).

    The "elements" component contains two properties. "type" indicates the type of the element (for example, triangle, quad, or triangle strip). In this case the elements might all be quads. "size" indicates the number of vertices in each of the eight faces (elements) of the cube -- (4 for a cube). The "vertex" property of the "indices" component contains the actual indices: 4 per face for a total of 32.

    Of course you could store much more data with the cube object if you wanted to. For example, if you wanted velocity or color per point, this would be another property in the "points" component.

    The meaning of this data is another story altogether. Its all handled by protocol. One application may store things in the GTO file that another application has no method of interpreting even though it can read that data and modify it. In the example above, you need to know to expect that polygonal data is stored in the given properties. The same data could be stored with different property names and a more complex layout. (The "polygon" protocol described later in this document is different and more involved than the above example.)

  1. License Brief

    GTO is licensed under the terms of the New BSD License.

  1. Notes on building:

    1. Currently, the Maya plugins are known to work on Maya 7 - 2008 on Linux & OSX. As far as we know, they work on Windows too, but you'll have to figure out how to build them yourself.

    2. If you want to build the Python modules, you have to do so manually for now: cd plugins/python ./setup.py build su ./setup.py install exit

    3. The Renderman® plugin should (theoretically) work with any Renderman®-compliant renderer. So far it has been used extensively with Entropy, and prman 13.* on FC4.

    4. The houdini ggto geo converter may require houdini 9 or better and the SDK. The current Makefile is currently non-functional, and is included as a hint. Hopefully we'll get it into autoconf before too long.