Leoyishou / brain.liugongzi.org

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NextChat (ChatGPT Next Web)

English / [简体中文](./README_CN.md) One-Click to get a well-designed cross-platform ChatGPT web UI, with GPT3, GPT4 & Gemini Pro support. 一键免费部署你的跨平台私人 ChatGPT 应用, 支持 GPT3, GPT4 & Gemini Pro 模型。 [![Web][Web-image]][web-url] [![Windows][Windows-image]][download-url] [![MacOS][MacOS-image]][download-url] [![Linux][Linux-image]][download-url] [Web App](https://app.nextchat.dev/) / [Desktop App](https://github.com/Yidadaa/ChatGPT-Next-Web/releases) / [Discord](https://discord.gg/YCkeafCafC) / [Twitter](https://twitter.com/mortiest_ricky) / [Buy Me a Coffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/yidadaa) [网页版](https://app.nextchat.dev/) / [客户端](https://github.com/Yidadaa/ChatGPT-Next-Web/releases) / [反馈](https://github.com/Yidadaa/ChatGPT-Next-Web/issues) / [QQ 群](https://github.com/Yidadaa/ChatGPT-Next-Web/discussions/1724) / [打赏开发者](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16968934/227772541-5bcd52d8-61b7-488c-a203-0330d8006e2b.jpg) [web-url]: https://chatgpt.nextweb.fun [download-url]: https://github.com/Yidadaa/ChatGPT-Next-Web/releases [Web-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Web-PWA-orange?logo=microsoftedge [Windows-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/-Windows-blue?logo=windows [MacOS-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/-MacOS-black?logo=apple [Linux-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/-Linux-333?logo=ubuntu [![Deploy with Vercel](https://vercel.com/button)](https://vercel.com/new/clone?repository-url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FYidadaa%2FChatGPT-Next-Web&env=OPENAI_API_KEY&env=CODE&env=GOOGLE_API_KEY&project-name=chatgpt-next-web&repository-name=ChatGPT-Next-Web) [![Deploy on Zeabur](https://zeabur.com/button.svg)](https://zeabur.com/templates/ZBUEFA) [![Open in Gitpod](https://gitpod.io/button/open-in-gitpod.svg)](https://gitpod.io/#https://github.com/Yidadaa/ChatGPT-Next-Web) ![cover](./docs/images/cover.png)



What's New




Get Started

简体中文 > 如何开始使用

  1. Get OpenAI API Key;
  2. Click Deploy with Vercel, remember that CODE is your page password;
  3. Enjoy :)


简体中文 > 常见问题

English > FAQ

Keep Updated

简体中文 > 如何保持代码更新

If you have deployed your own project with just one click following the steps above, you may encounter the issue of "Updates Available" constantly showing up. This is because Vercel will create a new project for you by default instead of forking this project, resulting in the inability to detect updates correctly.

We recommend that you follow the steps below to re-deploy:

Enable Automatic Updates

If you encounter a failure of Upstream Sync execution, please manually sync fork once.

After forking the project, due to the limitations imposed by GitHub, you need to manually enable Workflows and Upstream Sync Action on the Actions page of the forked project. Once enabled, automatic updates will be scheduled every hour:

Automatic Updates

Enable Automatic Updates

Manually Updating Code

If you want to update instantly, you can check out the GitHub documentation to learn how to synchronize a forked project with upstream code.

You can star or watch this project or follow author to get release notifications in time.

Access Password

简体中文 > 如何增加访问密码

This project provides limited access control. Please add an environment variable named CODE on the vercel environment variables page. The value should be passwords separated by comma like this:


After adding or modifying this environment variable, please redeploy the project for the changes to take effect.

Environment Variables

简体中文 > 如何配置 api key、访问密码、接口代理

CODE (optional)

Access password, separated by comma.

OPENAI_API_KEY (required)

Your openai api key, join multiple api keys with comma.

BASE_URL (optional)

Default: https://api.openai.com

Examples: http://your-openai-proxy.com

Override openai api request base url.

OPENAI_ORG_ID (optional)

Specify OpenAI organization ID.

AZURE_URL (optional)

Example: https://{azure-resource-url}/openai/deployments/{deploy-name}

Azure deploy url.

AZURE_API_KEY (optional)

Azure Api Key.


Azure Api Version, find it at Azure Documentation.

GOOGLE_API_KEY (optional)

Google Gemini Pro Api Key.

GOOGLE_URL (optional)

Google Gemini Pro Api Url.

HIDE_USER_API_KEY (optional)

Default: Empty

If you do not want users to input their own API key, set this value to 1.

DISABLE_GPT4 (optional)

Default: Empty

If you do not want users to use GPT-4, set this value to 1.


Default: Empty

If you do want users to query balance, set this value to 1, or you should set it to 0.


Default: Empty

If you want to disable parse settings from url, set this to 1.

CUSTOM_MODELS (optional)

Default: Empty Example: +llama,+claude-2,-gpt-3.5-turbo,gpt-4-1106-preview=gpt-4-turbo means add llama, claude-2 to model list, and remove gpt-3.5-turbo from list, and display gpt-4-1106-preview as gpt-4-turbo.

To control custom models, use + to add a custom model, use - to hide a model, use name=displayName to customize model name, separated by comma.

User -all to disable all default models, +all to enable all default models.


NodeJS >= 18, Docker >= 20


简体中文 > 如何进行二次开发

Open in Gitpod

Before starting development, you must create a new .env.local file at project root, and place your api key into it:

OPENAI_API_KEY=<your api key here>

# if you are not able to access openai service, use this BASE_URL

Local Development

# 1. install nodejs and yarn first
# 2. config local env vars in `.env.local`
# 3. run
yarn install
yarn dev


简体中文 > 如何部署到私人服务器

Docker (Recommended)

docker pull yidadaa/chatgpt-next-web

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 \
   -e OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-xxxx \
   -e CODE=your-password \

You can start service behind a proxy:

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 \
   -e OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-xxxx \
   -e CODE=your-password \
   -e PROXY_URL=http://localhost:7890 \

If your proxy needs password, use:

-e PROXY_URL=" user pass"


bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Yidadaa/ChatGPT-Next-Web/main/scripts/setup.sh)

Synchronizing Chat Records (UpStash)

| 简体中文 | English | Italiano | 日本語 | 한국어


Please go to the [docs][./docs] directory for more documentation instructions.





If you want to add a new translation, read this document.


Buy Me a Coffee

Special Thanks


仅列出捐赠金额 >= 100RMB 的用户。

@mushan0x0 @ClarenceDan @zhangjia @hoochanlon @relativequantum @desenmeng @webees @chazzhou @hauy @Corwin006 @yankunsong @ypwhs @fxxxchao @hotic @WingCH @jtung4 @micozhu @jhansion @Sha1rholder @AnsonHyq @synwith @piksonGit @ouyangzhiping @wenjiavv @LeXwDeX @Licoy @shangmin2009
