Leshangpang / COMP30022-SDGs-Frontend

Interactive learning website for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
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Interactive learning website for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals Project Overview This repository contains the front-end codebase for an interactive learning website dedicated to educating and empowering individuals on the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The platform aims to provide actionable knowledge through engaging educational resources, with a special focus on SDG 5: Gender Equality.

Features Structured Learning Modules Each SDG is presented through comprehensive, interactive modules. These modules offer in-depth insights into the goals, their importance, and their connection to daily life, helping users understand how they can contribute to global sustainability.

Interactive Quizzes and Challenges After completing modules, users can take part in quizzes and challenges designed to test their understanding of the SDGs. These interactive elements help reinforce learning and ensure that users grasp the material in a fun, engaging way.

Community Engagement Users can participate in a community forum to ask questions, discuss SDG-related topics, and share their insights. This feature fosters a supportive learning community that encourages dialogue and collaboration.

User-Generated Content The platform encourages participatory learning by allowing users to create their own quiz questions and answers. Other users can rate the difficulty and quality of these questions and engage in discussions about them.

Progress Tracking and Achievements Users can track their progress as they complete SDG modules. For each completed module, users earn badges, and upon completing all 17 SDGs, they receive a shareable certificate. This certificate can be linked to their social media profiles to showcase their achievements and advocate for global sustainability.